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Alabama NRCS Pathways Present on Summer Experience

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Pathways Interns Enjoy Snacks While Preparing Presentations

NRCS Alabama Interns met at the  State Office in Auburn, Alabama to share their experiences of working for NRCS this summer.

NRCS Alabama Pathways Interns Graduate

Auburn Alabama, August 01, 2023 – Fiscal Year 2023 Interns gathered at the State Office to present their summer experiences to state leadership and staff members. The interns presented a summary of what they learned via PowerPoint and fielded questions from the audience. The interns represented discipline fields ranging from finance, to engineering and soil science & conservation. 

Also, the event served as a good opportunity for the interns to network and interact with state and area office leadership team members. 

Pathways is a systematic training opportunity for students to gain meaningful in-person and virtual work experiences as well as network with dedicated professionals in their fields of study, that prepares them for rewarding careers in the USDA family.

If you'd like more information on Pathways and other internship opportunities with the USDA, follow the link below.