Success Story
Conservation improvements are a win-win, both for agricultural producers and wildlife. With help from NRCS, producers have conserved millions of acres of wildlife habitat, from the sagebrush and grasslands of the West to forests in the East.
Two-thirds of the land in the lower 48 states is privately owned, and these working farms, ranches and forests produce much of the country’s food and fiber. These working lands also provide much of our nation’s open space and the habitats that wildlife need.
NRCS offers financial and technical assistance to agricultural producers who want to voluntarily make wildlife-friendly improvements on their land. American wildlife species represent immense ecological value, cultural heritage, recreational enjoyment and economic opportunity for the American people. Farmers, ranchers and private landowners can improve wildlife habitat connectivity and corridors by building on voluntary conservation activities – benefiting fish and wildlife while boosting the land’s resiliency and production.
Habitat Heros
Agricultural producers are caring for wildlife, producing food and fiber the nation needs and strengthening the backbone of rural communities across the country.