Windows Pesticide Screening Tool (WIN-PST)
WIN-PST is an environmental risk screening tool for pesticides.
NRCS field office conservationists, extension agents, crop consultants, pesticide dealers and producers can use it to evaluate the potential of pesticides to move with water and eroded soil/organic matter and affect non-targeted organisms. WIN-PST users can specify pesticides by product name or active ingredient. Long-term human and fish toxicity data and ratings are also included in WIN-PST. These toxicity ratings can be combined with the off-site movement potential ratings to provide an overall rating of the potential risks from pesticide movement below the root zone and past the edge of the field.
Installation is fairly simple.
Just download the WIN-PST installation and extract to your local drive.
FPAC users should use the Software Center to install WIN-PST.
After extraction, install each file in this order:
- vcredist_x86.EXE - Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update
- WinPST3113.exe - Base WIN-PST ver. 3.1.1
- WinPST312patch.exe – Update patch to ver. 3.1.20
- UpdateWIN-PST3.1.30.msp – Final update patch to version 3.1.30
Pesticide Data Update (Released 9-27-24)
A data update is available for WIN-PST 3.1 pesticide data. The update includes:
- All active ingredients from past updates.
- 11 New active ingredients added.
- Synchronization with EPA Pesticide Product Registration Database as of 9-27-24.
Download: WIN-PST 3.1 Pesticide Update 9-27-24
Note: Pesticide updates require WIN-PST version 3.1.30
Previous Versions: WIN-PST 3.1 Pesticide Update