Potential partners are invited to propose RCPP projects where NRCS and partners co-invest in impactful and innovative solutions to on-farm, watershed, and regional natural resource concerns.
Past Webinar Recordings and Presentations for Applicants
Overview of RCPP and How to Apply
Easements Informational Webinar
Tribal Listening Session
Creating Your Proposal Session 1: Partners & Contributions - Overview of lead partner roles, contributing partner roles, eligible partner contributions, and available tools for creating a proposal.
Creating Your Proposal Session 2: Capability to Perform Technical Assistance - Overview of technical requirements for NRCS planning and implementation and the importance of meeting with NRCS State Conservationists and RCPP coordinators.
Creating Your Proposal Session 3: Funding Request - Overview of funding types, things to consider when developing a project budget, and activities under funding types.
Creating Your Proposal Session 4: RCPP Classic Narrative Questions - Overview of the narrative questions in RCPP Classic and how they are used.
Creating Your Proposal Session 5: RCPP AFA Narrative Questions - Overview of the narrative questions in RCPP AFA and how they are used.
Creating Your Proposal Session 6: Recap and Q&A - Recap and open question and answer session on any topic.
Creating Your Proposal Session 7: Executive Summary - Overview of what should be included in the executive summary.
How to Submit a Proposal
Step 1: Go to login.gov to create an account. Help on this step is available via the login.gov help site.
Step 2: Visit the RCPP public portal website to submit a request access form. Applicant will need to enter the same e-mail used for login.gov into the access form.
Please note: new users should use to denote a specific reason access being sought, i.e. “support new proposal submission” or "manage project #1234,” etc. Details are included in the RCPP Notice of Funding Opportunity Proposal Guide for Partners.
Step 3: Wait 3-5 business days for your partner portal account to be created. You will receive an email once access is granted.
Please note: linking a new login.gov account to a portal account is a multi-platform, multi-step process, needing this processing time.
Step 4: After applicant receives an email acknowledging the partner portal account has been created, the applicant can return to the portal and click the login.gov link.
Please note: A longer login.gov identity verification process may occur during the applicant’s first login. This is required if user’s existing Login.gov account does not include eAuth Level 2 identity verification.
Step 5: Once the applicant has verified their identity, the applicant can proceed with final submission. Final submission instructions are included in the Notice of Funding Opportunity Proposal Guide for Partners.
Updates to the RCPP Proposal Process
The fiscal year 2024 RCPP proposal process has been streamlined. In the RCPP Portal, NRCS:
- Removed the requirement for document uploads per contribution deliverable.
- Consolidated the activity types for entering partner contributions.
- Eliminated several fields from the contribution and NRCS funding request forms.
- Reduced number of waiver requests.
Read about the improvements NRCS is making to RCPP.
Additional Information
Proposed projects must generate conservation benefits by addressing specific natural resource objectives in a State/multistate area or address one or more primary resource concerns within an NRCS-designated critical conservation area (CCA).
Applications are accepted from all 50 States, the Caribbean Area (Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands), and U.S. territories in the Pacific Island Areas (Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands).
At least four weeks prior to the application deadline, and before starting an application in the RCPP portal or grants.gov, eligible entities interested in applying to RCPP are advised to request a meeting with their NRCS State RCPP coordinator.
For questions about timelines, the application process, and program requirements, please e-mail your State RCPP coordinator (PDF) or the National RCPP Team.
Application Assistance for Projects that Support Underserved Entities
NRCS will offer assistance with completing proposal applications for projects that support underserved entities in critical conservation areas (CCA), to address priority resource concerns identified by the Secretary. The purpose of this assistance is to increase the number of eligible partners in critical conservation areas applying for RCPP.
See the RCPP Application Assistance document for more information. Applications for proposal assistance were accepted through Friday, May 31. Complete and submit the RCPP Notice of Funding Opportunity Proposal Support Questionnaire to request support. Email with questions. RCPP@usda.gov