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TSP forester in New Hampshire working with NRCS Soil Conservationists and UNH Extension County Forrester

Technical Service Providers - New Hampshire

Technical Service Providers are NRCS-certified professionals that help implement conservation practices on your land. This page contains resources for TSPs that operate in New Hampshire.

Frequent TSP Resources

Forestry IRs
NRCS, N.H.'s TSP Newsletter

State TSP Contacts:

The NRCS, N.H. State TSP Coordinator can be contacted below:

Kim Bakker

State TSP Coordinator, NRCS, N.H.

Specific contacts for detailed TSP questions or support are below: 

Kelly Boland

State Biologist, NRCS, N.H.

Daimon Meeh

State Grazing Specialist, NRCS, N.H.

Matt Brown

State Engineer, NRCS, N.H.

What is a TSP?

A Technical Service Provider is an individual, private business, nonprofit organization, or public agency outside of the U.S. Department of Agriculture that help agricultural producers implement conservation practices on their land.  These Natural Resources Conservation Service certified professionals provide for convenient access to technical services, quality work, and professional one-on-one technical assistance to landowners or producers who participate in USDA conservation programs. 

TSPs can:

  • Develop conservation plans and perform selected compliance studies
  • Plan, design, and lay out conservation practices
  • Check out completed conservation practices

Are you looking for a TSP? 

Visit the NRCS Registry of Technical Service Providers to find a TSP in your area:

Learn more.