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Hydrologists demonstrate a sample collection at a snow telemetry site in Utah.

Utah Snow Survey Program

Utah’s Snow Survey Program Team works to provide mountain snowpack data and streamflow forecasts from across the state. This information can be a valuable tool for conservation planning, water supply management, flood control, drought and avalanche prediction, climate modeling, and recreation.

Current Data and Conditions

How is Utah's Snowpack Doing? 

  • Review current and historic snow water equivalent data from Utah's snow telemetry (SNOTEL) sites via these interactive graph or maps.

Water Supply Forecast Charts

Utah Basin Conditions 

  • Review conditions of Utah basins with our interactive iMap or with these graphs.
  • (New!) How is your favorite Utah basin doing?


Snow Survey Data and Tools

Streamflow Forecasts
Water Supply and Climate Reports
Individual Site and Basin Data Graphs
Current Water Year Data
Soil Climate Analysis Network
Additional Resources

How is the Great Salt Lake doing?

Resources related to basin-wide conditions and inflow forecasts for the Great Salt Lake watershed.

Snow Survey Team

Name Position Phone Number Email
Jordan Clayton
Snow Survey Team Supervisor
Troy Brosten
Dave Eriksson
Douglas Neff
Electronics Technician
Logan Jamison
Claire Stellick
Spencer Donovan
Kori Mooney