Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) Drawings and Support Documents
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- Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) Drawings and Support Documents
These documents provide CAD users with guidance on typical NRCS CAD drawing procedures and how to get started.
How To: CAD Drawings and Support Documents
Annotative Dimensions C3D
(60.12 KB)
Auxiliary Spillway Layout C3D
(381.67 KB)
Create and Export Points C3D
(313.34 KB)
Average Watershed Slope C3D
(43.21 KB)
HowTo-CAD_GIS data exchange C3D
(342.73 KB)
Circular Concrete Tank C3D
(241.04 KB)
Convert points from State Plane to UTM
(79.86 KB)
Core Trench C3D
(62.39 KB)
Create and Export Points C3D
(313.34 KB)
Create Wetland Excavation
(164.23 KB)
Earthen Storage Pond C3D
(49.78 KB)
Export LandXML Data C3D
(76.67 KB)
Exporting NRCS Storage Data C3D
(87.8 KB)
Geolocation w Online Bing Map C3D
(28.95 KB)
Georeferenced Images C3D
(22.8 KB)
gINT to C3D
(18.09 KB)
GIS Easement Boundary Import C3D
(34.02 KB)
HowTo- Installing IA NRCS BWgray
(152.71 KB)
Iowa P drive setup
(111.04 KB)
HowTo-LAS LiDAR into C3D
(455.46 KB)
HowTo-LAZ LiDAR into C3D
(2.06 MB)
HowTo- LiDAR Comparison C3D
(471.16 KB)
LiDAR into C3D
(91.29 KB)
Livestock Pipeline Profiles C3D
(797.53 KB)
Merging Surveys C3D
(13.27 KB)
Object highlighting and Layer Isolate
(106.84 KB)
Original Ground Contours C3D
(58.01 KB)
Plan View Grading Cleanup
(182.61 KB)
Plotting C3D
(72.12 KB)
Points to Profile Tool C3D
(31.65 KB)
Pond Embankment Blister Berm C3D
(227.19 KB)
Pond Embankment C3D
(291.02 KB)
Pond Workflow C3D
(116.92 KB)
Profile Creation C3D
(251.24 KB)
Profiles and Sections C3D
(189.58 KB)
Sloping Wave Berm C3D
(16.12 KB)
Soil Boring Log C3D
(184.31 KB)
Starting a C3D 2020 Project
(143.61 KB)
Starting a C3D Project
(28.73 KB)
Storage Volume Only C3D
(27.17 KB)
Survey Point Files into C3D
(187.01 KB)
Template Customization 2018
(27.12 KB)
Template Customization 2020
(139.5 KB)
Waterway Corridor Design C3D
(260.79 KB)
Waterway Cuts along Top Width C3D
(282.93 KB)