State Technical Committees serve in an advisory capacity to the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and other agencies of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) on the implementation of the natural resources conservation provisions of Farm Bill legislation.
Indiana's State Technical Committees provides advice on a number of issues within a variety of USDA conservation programs. Although the Committees have no implementation or enforcement authority, USDA gives strong consideration to the Committee's recommendations.
In Indiana, the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) State Conservationist serves as the Indiana State Technical Committee (ISTC) Chairperson. ISTC members represent public, private, and non-profit organizations and producers, who serve on four subcommittees. The subcommittees report to the ISTC with their recommendations. The ISTC as a whole makes recommendations to the Indiana NRCS State Conservationist, who makes the final decision regarding program management and implementation of Farm Bill conservation programs.
ISTC Subcommittees for Farm Bill conservation programs include:
- Conservation Reserve Program Subcommittee
- Environmental Quality Incentives Program Subcommittee
- Wetlands Reserve Program Subcommittee
- Wildlife Habitat Program Subcommittee
Indiana State Technical Committee Meetings
Indiana State Technical Committee - Source Water Protection Subcommittee Meeting
DATE: August 13, 2024
TIME: 1:00PM - 4:00PM (eastern)
LOCATION: Indiana USDA State Office or virtual
If interested in participating, please reach out to Shannon Zezula ( for more information.
Member Organizations
- AgrAbility
- Agricultural Drainage Management Coalition
- American Bird Conservancy/Central Hardwoods Joint Venture
- American Farmland Trust
- American Tree Farm
- American Water
- Ball State University
- Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative (CCSI)
- Farmer Veteran Coalition
- Hoosier Young Farmer Coalition
- IDNR, Division of Fish and Wildlife
- IDNR-Division of Forestry
- Indiana Ag Nutrient Alliance (IANA)
- Indiana Alliance of Rural Water
- Indiana Association of Consulting Foresters
- Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts
- Indiana Certified Crop Advisors
- Indiana Climate Center
- Indiana State Conservation Board
- Indiana Corn Marketing Council
- Indiana Dairy Producers Association
- Indiana Department of Environmental Management
- Indiana Forest Woodland Owners
- Indiana Pork
- Indiana Soybean Alliance
- Indiana State Department of Agriculture
- Indiana State Poultry Association
- Indiana University
- Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis
- Indiana Urban Soil Health Program
- Ivy Tech, Lafayette
- Legacy Taste of the Garden
- Marion County Soil and Water Conservation District
- National Association of Conservation Districts
- Pheasants Forever, Quails Forever
- Pokagon Band of the Potawatomi Tribe
- Purdue University Department of Agronomy
- So. Indiana Sentinel Landscape
- The Nature Conservancy - Indiana
- USDA - Farm Service Agency
- USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service
- USDA - Risk Management Agency
- Vincennes University
- Xerces Society