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AgACIS Climate Data Retrieval

Guidance for how to retrieve Agricultural Applied Climate Information System (AgACIS) climate data and summary reports.

Retrieve Climate Data and Summary Reports from AgACIS

There are three ways to retrieve Agricultural Applied Climate Information System (AgACIS) climate data and summary reports.

Method 1:

  1. From the Field Office Technical Guide webpage select a state from the dropdown list. Select Submit.
  2. In the document tree on the left, select Section II.
  3. Expand the folder (click on it) for climate data.  States vary in the naming of this folder.  It can be variously Climate DataClimatic DataClimate ResourcesCounty Level Climatic Data, etc.
  4. Expand the folder (click on it) named AgACIS or Agricultural Applied Climate Information System.  States vary in the naming of this folder, and some states may have it located another folder level beneath.  It is not available in some states.
  5. A selection page will open in the center of the page, showing available documents and resources for the climate stations. 
  6. Select the Document Title to open the document or resource.

Method 2 and 3: Direct link to AgACIS.  This requires you to know the state and county or FIPS ID code of interest.

  • Method 2: Go to, enter the state and county, and click Submit.
  • Method 3: Go to, enter the FIPS ID code, and click Submit. At this point in Method 2 and Method 3, a table will appear as in Step 5 of Method 1 above.  Proceed with the desired selections.

AgACIS is based on county delineations and uses the 5-digit FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) code for the desired state (first two digits) and county (last three digits). A link to the list of the FIPS ID codes are available in the AgACIS selection box.

The AgACIS list of the FIPS codes is available at:

You will need to verify that the station has enough data to produce a valid report.  If there are insufficient data, you can select another nearby station that has sufficient data.