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PA State Technical Committee Meeting

New Hampshire State Technical Committee

The State Technical Committee is part of the locally-led initiative forming the core of conservation efforts. The committee advises the NRCS State Conservationist on matters that are most important to the citizens of New Hampshire and helps focus agency efforts where they matter most.

What are State Technical Committees (STAC)?

Since it's founding as the Soil Erosion Service in 1933, now the NRCS, founders recognized that conservation matters were locally inspired issues that may need federal support - not mandated solutions that require local adoption. Conservation programs can only be successful through local input, buy-in, and participation. State Technical Advisory Committees were formed to listen to local and county conservation committees and to provide that guidance to the NRCS State Conservationist. This committee provides a seat at the table for local groups to identify and prioritize the concerns that matter most in their state.

What is the N.H. STAC?

The New Hampshire STAC meets 3-4 times annually to discuss conservation concerns from across the state with the leadership team of the USDA's NRCS in the state. This valuable insight ensures that the agency is able to address concerns to meet the needs of its local producers and forest landowners.