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Soils - New Hampshire

Reading and assessing the land is the first step in solving natural resource problems and sustaining our resources.  In particular, soils provide the foundation for conservation work, and understanding the nature and properties of soils is critical to managing and conserving other natural resources.

Marlow: The New Hampshire State Soil

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Where to Find Marlow

Web Soil Survey

Soil Survey data has been compiled nationally by the NRCS and is accessible online through the Web Soil Survey application. here you can find soil types that have been identified through Soil Surveys in your area. 

Soil Surveys in New Hampshire

Through its Soil Survey Program, the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) studies and inventories the soil resources of the Nation. In fact, it is a major responsibility of NRCS to conduct soil surveys on the private lands of the United States.

Soil Surveys contain information in the form of detailed soil maps, data tables, and text narratives that can be used in land-planning programs. Soil Surveys also contain predictions of soil behavior for selected land uses and highlights limitations and hazards inherent in the soil, improvements needed to overcome the limitations, and the impact of selected land uses on the environment.

Soil Surveys can help YOU!

The New Hampshire Soil Survey Program is a diverse and customer-sensitive program that strives to set a national example while serving the soil information needs of New Hampshire communities.

Who uses Soil Surveys?

  • Farmers
  • Foresters
  • Planners from towns, regions, states
  • Community officials
  • Engineers
  • Builders and developers
  • Conservationists
  • ​Teachers and students

Why Use Soil Surveys?

Sustaining soil resources for:

  • Food production
  • Forest products
  • Land-use planning
  • Water quality
  • Wildlife habitat

Below you can find Soils resources for New Hampshire.


Don Keirstead

State Soil Scientist