The Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) promotes coordination of NRCS conservation activities with partners that offer value-added contributions to expand our collective ability to address on-farm, watershed, and regional natural resource concerns.
How to Submit a Proposal
Step 1: Go to to create an account. Help on this step is available via the help site.
Step 2: Visit the RCPP public portal website to submit a request access form. Applicant will need to enter the same e-mail used for into the access form.
Please note: new users should use to denote a specific reason access being sought, i.e. “support new proposal submission” or "manage project #1234,” etc. Details are included in the RCPP Notice of Funding Opportunity Proposal Guide for Partners.
Step 3: Wait 3-5 business days for your partner portal account to be created. You will receive an email once access is granted.
Please note: linking a new account to a portal account is a multi-platform, multi-step process, needing this processing time.
Step 4: After applicant receives an email acknowledging the partner portal account has been created, the applicant can return to the portal and click the link.
Please note: A longer identity verification process may occur during the applicant’s first login. This is required if user’s existing account does not include eAuth Level 2 identity verification.
Step 5: Once the applicant has verified their identity, the applicant can proceed with final submission. Final submission instructions are included in the Notice of Funding Opportunity Proposal Guide for Partners.
Training on RCPP Proposals
RCPP Partner Training Meeting May 1, 2024
The link above will take you to the recording of that May 1, 2024, NRCS, N.H. RCPP Partner Training Meeting.
Upcoming Webinars for Applicants
The below link will take you to the National RCPP page with a list of upcoming webinars to help assist you in creating proposals.
Ready to get started?
Contact your local service center to start your application.