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Oregon - Corvallis Plant Materials Center Highlights


Development of cover crop technology for improving soil health

  • Develop technical publications and tools to increase adoption of cover crops such as the Pacific Northwest Cover Crop Selection Tool and the list of Cover Crop Seed Vendors for Western States.
  • Conduct trials to develop recommendations and termination methods of adapted cover crop species and cultivars for the region.
  • Assist university and ARS crop breeders with development of improved varieties of legumes for use as cover crops.


  • Conduct trials to develop recommendations of adapted forage species and cultivars for the region.
  • Trialing forage cultivars and develop methods for overseeding existing pastures.

On-farm habitat enhancement

  • Promote establishing, maintaining, and enhancing habitat for pollinators, beneficial insects, and other wildlife on working lands through field trials, training, and development of technical publications. Practices include hedgerows, windbreaks, riparian plantings, conservation cover, insectary plantings, buffer strips, and cover crops.

Conservation/restoration of rare and declining habitats

  • Develop recommendations for site preparation, seeding/planting installation, maintenance, and species selection for restoration of rare and declining habitats such as oak savannas, oak woodlands, upland prairies, coastal prairies/dunes, wetlands, and wet prairies in western Oregon and Washington.
  • Promote conservation of state- and federally-listed threatened and endangered (T&E) species by maintaining plantings of T&E species at the Center to serve as training and identification tools.
  • Provide technical information on the adaptation, establishment, commercial availability, and use of native plants through the development of Plant Guides and other technical publications.
  • Collaborate with US Fish and Wildlife Service and other partners to grow seed of select populations of T&E plant species and nectar/host plants for T&E butterflies in order to meet goals laid out in recovery plans.

Develop sources of appropriate native plants for conservation and restoration activities

  • Facilitate commercial availability of native plants and seed through development and publication of seed production and plant propagation protocols such as the Native Seed Production Manual for the Pacific Northwest.
  • Enhance wetland, riparian, and upland habitat in the Pacific Northwest through maintenance and distribution of seed/vegetative material for the Corvallis PMC’s 16 conservation plant materials releases of native trees, shrubs, forbs, and grasses.
  • Work with private industry and non-profit organizations to develop appropriate sources of native plants and seeds for conservation plantings in different ecoregions.