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"Wall panels with artwork titled "Manos a la obra"  (Hands at work) by Manone line one side of the Community garden plots are just half of the Huerta del Valle (HdV) 4-Acre organic Community Supported Garden and Farm in the middle of a low-income urban community, where Co-Founder and Executive Director Maria Alonso and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Redlands District Conservationist Tomas Aguilar-Campos work closely as she continues to impr

Technical and Financial Assistance for Organic Producers

NRCS offers technical and financial assistance through conservation practices, activities and enhancements to help organic producers make and maintain improvements on their land. 

Get Started with NRCS Technical Assistance

This step-by-step guide explains the process of getting started with NRCS conservation assistance.

NRCS assistance may include:

  • Farm Consultation, including site assessments, soil survey, resource inventory.
  • Conservation Planning – develop a plan that meets your needs and goals.
  • Conservation Practice Assistance, including design, layout, and inspection.

After you develop a conservation plan, you may be eligible for financial assistance.

Financial Assistance

Organic producers may apply for all NRCS financial assistance programs. The Environmental Quality Incentives Program – Organic Initiative specifically targets organic producers. Though payment is lower, there is less competition for ranking in the organic pool. Each state and area has unique ranking criteria due to local conservation issues.

For more information:

High tunnel covering rows of plants.

High Tunnel Initiative

A High Tunnel System, commonly called a “hoop house,” is an increasingly popular conservation practice for farmers, and is available with financial assistance through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP).


NRCS provides incentives to farmers, ranchers and forest landowners wanting to put wetlands, agricultural land, grasslands and forests under long-term easements.

 A woman stands near strawberry plants.

How NRCS Can Help

Learn about the many areas in which NRCS provides assistance to organic producers, from biodiversity to weed management.

Find Your Local Service Center

USDA Service Centers are locations where you can connect with Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, or Rural Development employees for your business needs. Enter your state and county below to find your local service center and agency offices. If this locator does not work in your browser, please visit