Historical soil surveys have been scanned, converted to portable document format (pdf), and archived on a public download site.
Soil surveys issued prior to 2008 are archive copies that are not compatible with the screen-reader software used by the visually impaired. For accessibility assistance, email nrcs-spsd-508@usda.gov or call (402) 437-5499.
Historical and supplemental documents are also available. Printed soil survey reports were the main source of soils information from 1899 to 2005. Most of these reports are county-based and have been converted to PDF (links below). USDA phased out the printing of reports after making Web Soil Survey the official source for information in 2005. For information about reference copies of a publication, contact your State Conservationist.
Historical soil surveys are being moved into https://archive.org/details/usda-soil-surveys. See "Access Historical Soil Surveys from Internet Archive" instructions in the Additional Documents section.
Related Links
Web Soil Survey
Current, official soil survey information is on the Web Soil Survey which allows you to create custom reports by selecting a specific area of interest, such as a county, national park, or your property.
Contact Soils
Please contact us if you see something that needs to be updated, if you have any questions, or if you need accessibility assistance.