Kansas State Technical Committee
The Kansas Technical Committee (KTC) provides advice on a number of issues within a variety of conservation programs. Although the Technical Committee has no implementation or enforcement authority, USDA shall give strong consideration to the Committee's recommendations.
Meeting information and minutes from past meetings will be made available from this page.
Local Working Groups
Local working groups provide recommendations on local natural resource priorities and criteria for USDA conservation activities and programs.
Kansas Technical Committee Members
- Calvin Adams, Smoky Hills Graziers Association
- Trevor Ahring, Southwest Kansas Groundwater Mgt. District No. 3
- Corey Alderson, Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism
- Jeff Allen, Sharp Brothers Seed Company
- Kent Askren, Kansas Farm Bureau
- Robert Atchison, Kansas Forest Service
- Jacqueline Augustine, Audubon of Kansas
- Daniel Baffa, Smoky Hills Audubon
- Debra Baker, Kansas Alliance for Wetlands and Streams
- Barry Barber, Kansas Rural Center
- R. Scott Barrows, Premier Tillage
- Mark Bauer, Great Bend Co-op
- Chris Berens, Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism
- Kolt Bevin, Kickapoo Tribe
- Tim Boese, Equus Beds Groundwater Mgt. District No. 2
- Marlene Bosworth, Kansas Regional Advisory Committee
- Ronald Brown, Kansas Association of Conservation Districts and State Association of RC&Ds
- Ken Brunson,The Nature Conservancy
- Scott Carlson, Kansas Department of Agriculture, Division of Conservation
- Troy Coen, Morton County Conservation District
- Barth Crouch, Kansas Grazing Lands Coalition
- Bob Culbertson, Kansas Alliance for Wetlands and Streams
- Mike Disney, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- Orrin Feril, Big Bend Groundwater Management District No. 5
- Dale Fjell, Kansas Corn Grower's Association
- Ryan Flickner, Kansas Farm Bureau
- Lynn Gentine, Ranchland Trust of Kansas
- Terry Griffin, Kansas State University
- Jim Hays, The Nature Conservancy
- Douglas Helmke, Kansas Rural Water Association
- Harlan House, Producer
- Matt Hugh,Ducks Unlimited
- Jude Kastens, University of Kansas
- Dean Klahr, Kansas Livestock Association
- Ron Klataske, Landowner/Producer
- Kenneth Kopp, Kansas Rural Water Association
- Abram Lollar, Ducks Unlimited
- Andrew Lyon, Kansas Department of Health and Environment
- Stephanie Manes, Ranchland Trust of Kansas
- Jordan Martincich, Pheasants Forever/Quail Forever
- Jesse McCurry, Kansas Grain Sorghum Producers Association
- Chris McLeland, Pheasants Forever/Quail Forever
- Terry Medley, Kansas Department of Agriculture
- Heidi Mehl, The Nature Conservancy
- Dan Meyerhoff, Kansas Association of Conservation Districts
- Howard Miller, Cheney Lake Watershed
- Katie Miller, Kansas Municipal Utilities
- Todd Miller, Kauffman Seed, Inc.
- Jessica Mounts, Kansas Alliance for Wetlands and Streams
- Mark Nelson, Kansas Farm Bureau
- Barb Oltjen, State Association of Kansas Watersheds (SAKW)
- Jim Pitman, National Wild Turkey Federation
- Gabriel Polson, Great Bend Co-op
- Amanda Reed, Kansas Department of Health and Environment
- Richard Rockel, Kansas Water Office
- Dwane Roth, Big D Farm
- Mark Rude, Southwest Kansas Groundwater Mgt. District No. 3
- Amanda Scott, Kansas Association of Conservation Districts Employees' Organization
- Travis Sieve, Kansas Department of Health and Environment
- Matt Smith, Playa Lakes Joint Venture
- Wes Sowards, Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism
- Tracy Streeter, Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company
- Tim Stroda, Kansas Pork Association
- Steve Swaffar, No-Till on the Plains
- Peter Tomlinson, Kansas State University
- Matt Unruh, Kansas Water Office
- Cammie Vaupel, Great Bend Co-op
- Nick Vos, Landowner
- Eric Woofter, Star Seed
- Shade Wright, Morton County Conservation District