Indiana farmers are on a health kick! Healthy soil is managed to its maximum potential through a system of conservation practices, including no-till, cover crops, advanced nutrient and pest management, and buffers and drainage systems where appropriate.
Why is soil health important?
Managing your soil using soil health practices results in healthy soil that reduces erosion, requires less nutrient inputs, manages the effects of flood and drought, and reduces nutrient and sediment loading to streams and rivers.
Soil health is defined as the continued capacity of soil to function as a vital living ecosystem that sustains plants, animals, and humans. Healthy soil gives us clean air and water, bountiful crops and forests, productive grazing lands, diverse wildlife, and beautiful landscapes. Soil does all this by performing five essential functions:
- Regulating water – Soil helps control where rain, snowmelt, and irrigation water goes. Water flows over the land or into and through the soil.
- Sustaining plant and animal life – The diversity and productivity of living things depends on soil.
- Filtering and buffering potential pollutants – The minerals and microbes in soil are responsible for filtering, buffering, degrading, immobilizing, and detoxifying organic and inorganic materials, including industrial and municipal by-products and atmospheric deposits.
- Cycling nutrients – Carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and many other nutrients are stored, transformed, and cycled in the soil.
- Providing physical stability and support – Soil structure provides a medium for plant roots. Soils also provide support for human structures and protection for archeological treasures.
Soil health research has determined how to manage soil in a way that improves soil function.
The main principles to manage soil for health are:
As world population and food production demands rise, keeping our soil healthy and productive is of paramount importance. By farming using soil health principles and systems that include no-till, cover cropping, and diverse rotations, more and more farmers are increasing their soil’s organic matter and improving microbial activity. As a result, farmers are sequestering more carbon, increasing water infiltration, improving wildlife and pollinator habitat—all while harvesting better profits and often better yields.
Web Soil Survey
The Web Soil Survey provides soil data and information produced by the National Cooperative Soil Survey and provides access to the largest natural resource information system in the world. NRCS has soil maps and data available online all 92 counties in Indiana. The site is updated and maintained online as the single authoritative source of soil survey information. Soil surveys can be used for general farm, local and wider area planning.
The Four Principles of a Soil Health Management System
Implementing Soil Health Management Systems can lead to increased organic matter, more soil organisms, reduced soil compaction and improved nutrient storage and cycling. As an added bonus, fully functioning, healthy soils absorb and retain more water, making them less susceptible to runoff and erosion. This means more water will be available for crops when they need it.
Soil Health Management Systems allow farmers to enjoy profits over time because they spend less on fuel and energy while benefiting from the higher crop yields resulting from improved soil conditions. Healthy soils also provide a buffer for precipitation extremes (too wet or too dry).
Maximize Presence of Living Roots
Living plants maintain a rhizosphere, an area of concentrated microbial activity close to the root. The rhizosphere is the most active part of the soil ecosystem because it is where the most readily available food is, and where peak nutrient and water cycling occurs. Microbial food is exuded by plant roots to attract and feed microbes that provide nutrients (and other compounds) to the plant at the root-soil interface where the plants can take them up. Since living roots provide the easiest source of food for soil microbes, growing long-season crops or a cover crop following a short-season crop, feeds the foundation species of the soil food web as much as possible during the growing season.
Healthy soil is dependent upon how well the soil food web is fed. Providing plenty of easily accessible food to soil microbes helps them cycle nutrients that plants need to grow. Sugars from living plant roots, recently dead plant roots, crop residues, and soil organic matter all feed the many and varied members of the soil food web.
Minimize Disturbance
Tillage can destroy soil organic matter and structure along with the habitat that soil organisms need. Tillage, especially during warmer months, reduces water infiltration, increases runoff and can make the soil less productive. Tillage disrupts the soil’s natural biological cycles, damages the structure of the soil, and makes soil more susceptible to erosion.
The benefits of reduced till/no-till include:
- Aiding in Plant Growth – Soils managed with reduced/no-till for several years contain more organic matter and moisture for plant use. Healthy soils cycle crop nutrients, support root growth, absorb water and sequester carbon more efficiently.
- Reducing Soil Erosion – Soil that is covered year-round with crops, crop residue, grass or cover crops is much less susceptible to erosion from wind and water. For cropping systems, practices like no-till keep soil undisturbed from harvest to planting.
- Saving Money – Farmers can save money on fuel and labor by decreasing tillage. Improving nutrient cycling allows farmers to potentially reduce the amount of supplemental nutrients required to maintain yields, further reducing input costs.
- Providing Wildlife Habitat – Crop residue, grass and cover crops provide food and escape for wildlife.
Soil can also be disturbed through production inputs or improperly managed grazing practices. Inputs are not applied
properly could potentially disrupt the delicate relationship between plants and soil organisms. Soil Health Management Systems help minimize that potential disturbance, while maximizing nutrient cycling, which can lead to greater profitability for producers.
Improperly managed grazing can also harm the soil health system. There are several ways to graze livestock to reduce environmental impacts. For example, implementing a rotational grazing system instead of allowing livestock to continuously graze pasture allows pasture plants to rest and regrow. For information about implementing a rotational grazing system or managing livestock with soil health in mind can be found on the Indiana Pasture Land page.
Maximize Soil Cover
Cover crops can be an integral part of a cropping system. Cover crops can be managed to improve soil health, as they help to develop an environment that sustains and nourishes plants, soil microbes and beneficial insects. The introduction of cover crops into your crop rotation can benefit any sized farm from a corn/soybean farm encompassing thousands of acres to a small urban farm.
Cover crops are typically planted in late summer or fall around harvest and before spring planting of the following year’s crops. Examples of cover crops include rye, wheat, oats, clovers and other legumes, turnips, radishes, and triticale. Planting several cover crop species together in a mixture can increase their impact on soil health. Each cover crop provides its own set of benefits, so it’s important to choose the right cover crop mixture to meet management goals.
The benefits of planting cover crops in between cash crop season include:
- Restoring Soil Health – Cover crops help increase organic matter in the soil and improve overall soil health by adding living roots to the soil during more months of the year. Cover crops can improve water infiltration into the soil. Deep rooted crops like forage radishes create natural water passages. Legume cover crops serve as natural fertilizers while grasses scavenge nutrients that are often lost after harvest or during winter.
- Natural Resource Protection – Along with crop residue above ground, cover crops protect the soil against erosive heavy rains and strong winds. Cover crops trap excess nitrogen, keeping it from leaching into groundwater or running off into surface water – releasing it later to feed growing crops.
- Livestock Feed – Cover crops can provide livestock producers with additional grazing or haying opportunities.
- Wildlife Habitat – Cover crops provide winter food and cover for birds and other wildlife. During the growing season, they can provide food for pollinators.
Indiana NRCS can help support you through the process of adding cover crops to your rotation by providing guidance for what cover crops to seed as well as how and when to seed with our guidance documents and site-specific planning worksheets. Financial assistance to help you start using cover crops is also available through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) and the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP).
Maximize Biodiversity
Biodiversity is the variation of life forms within a given ecosystem or field. The different life forms include all of the plants, animals and microorganisms, and their secretions. For soil health management systems, biodiversity can be increased through a variety of approaches including: plant diversity through the use of diversified crop rotations, cover crop mixes, diversity through the proper integration of grazing animals (e.g. livestock) into the system and includes animals living within the soils or microbial diversity, as well as direct additions with biological amendments. All four soil health management principles contribute to biodiversity.
Biodiversity helps to prevent disease and pest problems associated with monocultures. Using cover crops and increasing diversity within crop rotations improves soil health and soil function, reduces costs, and increases profitability. Diversity above ground improves diversity below ground, which helps create healthy productive soils.
Lack of biodiversity severely limits the potential of any cropping system and increases disease and pest problems. Biodiversity is ultimately the key to the success of any agricultural system. A diverse and fully functioning soil food web provides for nutrient, energy, and water cycling that allows a soil to express its full potential. Increasing the diversity of a crop rotation and cover crops increases soil health and soil function, reduces input costs, and increases profitability.
Indiana Soil Health Briefings
Since 2016, the Indiana NRCS Soil Health Team has joined forces with Indiana Prairie Farmer to promote their passion of soil health through monthly articles titled “A Salute to Soil Health.”
The articles are provided to help Indiana landowners understand the fundamentals of soil ecology, what they can do to build soil health on their farm and how to work with their farming partners to increase their land’s long-term production potential. The team submits between three to six monthly articles regarding a soil health topic. These briefings are published on the Indiana Prairie Farmer website and in its print magazine.
You can visit the Indiana Prairie Farmer website to read the latest soil health briefings.
Common Conservation Practices for Soil Health
Cover Crops
An un-harvested crop grown as part of planned rotation to provide conservation benefits to the soil.
The benefits of cover crops include:
- Increasing soil organic matter
- Preventing soil erosion
- Conserving soil moisture
- Increasing nutrient cycling
- Providing nitrogen for plant use
- Suppressing weeds
- Reducing compaction
- Improving crop production
- Improving water quality
- Conserving water
- Maximizing nutrients
- Decreasing use of pesticides
- Improving water efficiency to crops
A way of growing crops without disturbing the soil through tillage.
The benefits of no-till farming include:
- Improving water holding capacity of soils
- Increasing organic matter
- Reducing soil erosion
- Reducing energy use
- Decreasing compaction
- Improving water efficiency
- Conserving water
- Improving crop production
- Improving water quality
- Saving renewable resources
- Improving air quality
- Increasing productivity
Conservation Crop Rotation
Growing a diverse number of crops in a planned sequence in order to increase soil organic matter and biodiversity in the soil.
The benefits of conservation crop rotation include:
- Increasing nutrient cycling
- Managing plant pest (weeds, insects, and diseases)
- Reducing sheet, rill, and wind erosion
- Holding soil moisture
- Adding diversity so soil microbes can thrive
- Maximizing nutrients
- Decreasing use of pesticides
- Improving water quality
- Conserving water
- Improving plant production
Nutrient Management
Managing soil nutrients to meet crop needs while minimizing the impact on the environment and the soil.
The benefits of following a nutrient management plan include:
- Increasing plant nutrient uptake
- Improving the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the soil
- Budgeting, supplies, and conserves nutrients for plant production
- Reducing odors and nitrogen emissions
- Improving water quality
- Improving plant production
- Improving air quality
Pest Management
Managing pests by promoting the growth of healthy plants with strong defenses, while increasing stress on pests and enhancing the habitat for beneficial organisms.
The benefits of implementing a pest management system include:
- Diversifying pest management techniques to maximize benefits while minimizing resistance concerns.
- Reducing pesticide risk to waterbodies.
- Decreasing pesticide risk to pollinators and beneficial organisms
- Improving air and water quality by reducing pesticide drift and runoff.
- Reducing threat of chemicals entering the air
- Increasing soil organic matter
- Increasing plant productivity
Field Borders
Planting historically unproductive areas along ditches, streams and rivers to perennial vegetation.
The benefits of adding field borders to you farm include:
- Increasing per acre net profit.
- Improving water quality in adjacent water bodies.
- Reducing pesticide drift from adjacent fields.
- Providing wildlife, pollinator and beneficial insect habitat.
- Eliminating the application of nutrients and pesticides to environmentally sensitive areas.
Conservation Concerns
Non-Concentrated Water Erosion
Non-concentrated water sources, such as thin layers of water or small streamlets, can cause significant soil erosion damage if left untreated. This type of erosion can be classified into one of two categories based on how the water flows and the pattern of erosion.
Uniform shallow erosion
Water that flows uniformly over a wide surface can remove soil in thin layers (sheet erosion). This type of erosion can cause significant damage as it can cover large areas of land before a problem is identified. If left untreated, sheet erosion will gradually wash away important nutrients from the topsoil and can lead to unproductive soil.
Small streamlet erosion
Rainfall and runoff can cause small channels of concentrated water to form on land which can create streamlets (rills) that remove soil (detachment).
- Bare or unprotected soil (i.e. lack of plant cover or residue cover)
- Long and/or steep slopes
- Intense rainfall or irrigation events when residue cover is at a minimum
- Decreased infiltration by compaction, surface sealing, etc.
Possible Solutions
- Residue management
- Crop rotations
- Cover crops
- Adopting a soil health management system
- Terraces
- Contour farming
- Stripcropping
Wind Erosion
Wind erosion causes damage to land by transporting soil, which can cause soil loss, dryness, and soil deterioration. This type of erosion often occurs on flat, bare areas, where the soil is sandy, dry, and loose.
- Bare or unprotected soil (i.e. lack of plant cover or residue cover)
- Long, open fields
- Strong wind events when residue cover is at a minimum
Possible Solutions
- Residue management
- Crop rotations
- Cover crops
- Adopting a soil health management system
- Contour farming
- Stripcropping
- Windbreaks
- Herbaceous wind barrier
Concentrated Water Erosion
Concentrated streams of running water can cause soil erosion by creating sharp ditches or small valleys in land (gullies). This type of erosion can be classified into one of two categories based on the size and pattern of the damage.
Wide and shallow erosion
Certain events can cause temporary, wide areas of soil erosion that usually doesn’t run deeper than the tilled layer (ephemeral gullies). They typically occur in the same flow area and while they can usually be fixed over time through the use of conservation practices and minimized through practices that build soil health.
Deep and narrow erosion
Running water can sharply erode soil and create large ditches or small valleys (classic gullies). If left untreated, these gullies may grow and create short cliffs or bluffs (head cutting) and grow deeper and wider when water removes soil from the stream’s bed or valley’s floor causing the banks to collapse (lateral widening).
- Bare or unprotected soil (i.e. lack of plant or residue cover)
- Excess runoff
- Poor water infiltration into soil
- Inadequate outlet for water
Possible Solutions
- Residue management
- Cover crops
- Adopting a soil health management system
- Terraces and/or grassed waterways
- Grade stabilization structure
- Lined waterway or outlet
- Water and sediment control basin
Erosion Along Bodies of Water
Erosion that occurs on banks and shorelines can degrade water quality from the additional sediment that is added. This type of erosion occurs along large bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, and oceans, and also along smaller bodies of water such as streams.
Shoreline erosion
Shores of lakes, streams, rivers, and coastlines are naturally predisposed to erosion due to the moving water.
Bank erosion
Bank erosion occurs when the banks of a stream or river are gradually worn away. Water can erode soil and sediment underneath trees which can cause roots bound to soil to stick out over the water (abutments), however erosion can also occur in places where there are no trees.
Channel erosion
Erosion that occurs within areas between high banks (channels) is called channel erosion. Channel erosion can occur along a streambank, which directly erodes the bank, or directly along the streambed, which lowers the bed.
- Increased runoff due to land use changes and degraded soil health in the watershed
- Large runoff events
- Degraded riparian areas
- Uncontrolled livestock access
- Tillage or other disturbance close to the stream bank
Possible Solutions
- Watershed-wide adoption of soil health management systems
- Bank armor and protection
- Soil bioengineering practices
- In-stream structures
- Native material revetments
- Riparian areas with native or locally adapted vegetation
- Control livestock access to the water bodies
- Vegetative buffers
Ground Settling or Sinking
There are two situations where the grounds surface can gradually or suddenly sink or settle: the decay over time of the organic matter in organic soils, sometimes called muck or peat soils; and the gradual or sudden settling in other types of soils when subsurface support is removed. Both are called subsidence.
Since subsidence in organic soils occurs very slowly over time, the most common way to identify that it has occurred is to look at the difference between the field level and adjacent roads, windbreaks or other breaks between fields. If the field surface is noticeably lower than the edges, subsidence has probably occurred and is like still happening. Subsidence typically affects the entire field although it may not be evenly distributed.
In typical soils, subsidence is most often a sudden process where the soil appears to be level and intact and then suddenly collapses. In organic soils where subsidence has occurred, landowners often notice that the level of the field is now below the level of field roads, or other divisions between fields Affected areas are typically small, but broad and large areas of failure can occur.
- Drainage (organic soils)
- Cultivation / Soil disturbance (organic soils)
- Failure of existing agricultural infrastructure such as tile drains
- Subsurface water movement above a natural or artificially compacted soil layer
Possible Solutions
- Water table management (organic soils)
- Management to reduce the risk of compaction (typical soils)
- Appropriate maintenance of agricultural infrastructure
Soil Compaction
Soil compaction occurs when soil particles become compressed. This can cause the soil to become overly dense which can impact the rate of drainage and saturation, can cause aeration-related problems, and can make it harder for roots to effectively penetrate the soil.
Because soil properties can vary across the landscape, different soils have different risks for compaction. Management activities that cause compaction in one soil may not cause compaction in another.
- Working wet soil
- Excess traffic, machinery or livestock
- Heavy machinery
- Repeated tillage at the same depth
- Poor aggregation
- Low organic matter
- Poorly managed grazing in pasture and range systems
Possible Solutions
- Avoid working wet soil
- Reduce traffic/tillage operations
- Rotate crops
- Controlled traffic patterns
- Subsoil or rip compacted areas
- Diversify cropping system
- Conservation tillage or no till
- Cover crops
- Animal manures and compost
- Non-compacting tillage
- Grazing management
- Adopt soil health management systems
Organic Matter Depletion
If soil cannot adequately provide nutrition for plant growth, animal habitats, or soil biological activity, then it may suffer from organic matter depletion.
- Soil disturbance
- Intensive tillage systems
- Low crop biomass (surface and subsurface)
- Burning, harvesting or otherwise removing crop residues
- Overgrazing in pasture and range systems
Possible Solutions
- Diverse, high biomass crop rotations
- Cover crops
- Conservation tillage and no till
- Grazing management
- Adopt soil health management system
- Perennials in rotations
- Maintain crop residues on soil surface
- Animal manure and compost
- Water table management
Additional Information
Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative
The Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative (CCSI) is a program of the Indiana Conservation Partnership. Through a farmer-focused and farmer-driven process, the program works with local level partnerships and others to promote the adoption of practices and cropping systems that can lead to improved soil health.
Urban Soil Health
The Urban Soil Health team works with conservation partners and farmers across Indiana to form local Soil Health Working Groups that provide soil health education and address the needs of small-scale vegetable growers. Their urban soil health specialists and working group members train local conservation staff, growers and the general public at field days, workshops, one-on-one meetings, and via site visits and technical assistance.
For more information about NRCS programs offered in Indiana and how experts through the state can help you address natural resources concerns on your land visit the Indiana NRCS homepage.