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Florida Natural Resources Conservation Service Releases Annual Report of Conservation Accomplishments for Fiscal Year 2023

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Florida pasture and wetland

NRCS obligated $44.6 million in financial assistance for Farm Bill programs during FY 2023. NRCS also completed restoration, repair and stewardship of 28,899 acres of easements. Currently, NRCS conservation easements protect 288,131 acres in Florida.

GAINESVILLE, Florida – January 11, 2024 – The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Florida State Office today announced the release of its annual report of accomplishments for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023. The report highlights the impacts of federal and partner investments toward protecting and improving natural resources in the state of Florida for the period of September 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023.

NRCS obligated $44.6 million in financial assistance for Farm Bill programs during FY 2023. NRCS also completed restoration, repair and stewardship of 28,899 acres of easements. Currently, NRCS conservation easements protect 288,131 acres in Florida.

“NRCS has seen historic increases in funding levels, as demand for our conservation services has also increased,” said Walter Albarran, Acting State Conservationist. “We are grateful for partners and contract employees that help our producers apply conservation practices that improve their economic bottom line.”

The annual report showcases Florida NRCS conservation efforts across programs and state initiatives for the year including Agricultural Land Easements, Farm Bill Conservation Programs, Emergency Assistance, Regional Conservation Partnership Program projects, and Outreach Initiatives. These efforts helped reduce erosion, improve soil health, and protect water quality.

Florida NRCS serves diverse agricultural needs through a state office, four area offices, 34 field offices, and a Plant Materials Center. NRCS provides voluntary, cost-effective program and technical assistance to landowners to conserve, protect, and improve soil, water, air, plants, and animals.

“In doing so, we enable farmers and landowners to better steward and manage their property and remain economically viable,” said Albarran. 

Visit the Florida NRCS State Office online to download the full annual report (PDF) or view the Flipbook.  Additional information on NRCS and programs is also available at your local USDA NRCS office.

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Walter Albarran, Acting State Conservationist, 
Cynthia Portalatin, Public Affairs Specialist,