Montana guides for forest management and wildfire recovery.
NRCS emphasizes voluntary, science-based assistance to help private forest landowners and managers improve their forest resource. NRCS conservationists work with private forest landowners and managers to plan and install forestry practices that can improve growth, reduce risk, and improve forest health. In addition, financial assistance for many forestry conservation practices is available through Farm Bill programs administered by NRCS.
Montana Forestry Guides and Publications
After the Fire: When and how to perform forest land treatments in areas burned by wildfire.

- After the Fire - Hand Raking
- After the Fire - Hazard Tree Removal
- After the Fire - Hillside Home Damage
- After the Fire - Hydromulching
- After the Fire - Log Erosion Barrier
- After the Fire - Seeding
Find the following Forestry publications in the Field Office Technical Guide (FOTG):
- Conservation Trees and Shrubs for Montana
- Hand Planting Guidelines for Containerized Stock
- Hand-Planting Guidelines for Bareroot Trees and Shrubs
- Photo Series for Appraising Timber Slash in Montana

Montana Forestry Videos
These videos tell the stories of Montana landowners who have worked with NRCS to improve forest health while addressing other landowner goals, such as wildlife habitat or livestock grazing considerations.
Montana Forestry Success Stories
Many Montanans have been working to improve forest health, resiliency and productivity. Read their stories.
Additional Information
NRCS Forestry Web Page
Forestry and agroforestry information and technical resources that apply to all States.