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EWP Sponsor Resources

Resources for EWP Program assistance.

The EWP Program Process

NRCS partners with diverse sponsors to complete EWP Program projects. To begin the process, a potential local sponsor submits a Request for Assistance that includes information on the nature, location and scope of the problem for which assistance is requested. The letter, considered the application, must be signed by an official of the requesting entity. NRCS staff is available to assist with the letter preparation and offer additional information on EWP Program eligibility. The letter must be sent to your local NRCS office or to your NRCS State office.

Sponsors must submit a formal request for assistance within 60 days of the disaster occurrence, or 60 days from the date when access to the sites becomes available.

NRCS conducts damage survey reports (DSR), or case-by-case investigations of the work requested or damages reported. EWP Program restoration work may include removing debris from stream channels, road culverts and bridges; reshaping and protecting eroded streambanks; repairing damaged drainage facilities, levees and associated structures; reseeding damaged areas; or purchasing floodplain easements.


STEP-BY-STEP Watershed Programs Process - 

Click here to download the guide.

Watershed Program Step-by-Step Guide

Sponsor Responsibilities

  • obtaining land rights for repairs;
  • securing the necessary permits;
  • furnishing the local cost share (Sponsors must come up with 25 percent of the construction costs for recovery measures in the form of cash or in-kind services);
  • accomplishing the installation of work. (Work can be done through federal or local contracts); and
  • conducting operation and maintenance on completed projects.