Iowa NRCS is celebrating Back to School by featuring the ABCs of Soil Health.
- Soil BACTERIA are key for soil fertility and plant health.
- COVER CROPS feed the soil, prevent erosion and build organic matter.
- Plant variety builds soil health by feeding micro-organisms a DIVERSE diet.
- EARTHWORMS are a farm's architect for building soil health.
- Billions of FUNGI, bacteria and micro-organisms are in 1 teaspoon of healthy soil.
- The sticky secret called GLOMALIN builds a strong soil structure.
- Healthy soil builds HOPE for a healthier future. Thank you farmers!
- Watch how reduced tillage and healthy soil improve INFILTRATION.
- Healthy soil does a better JOB at boosting farm productivity.
- We need the vast KINGDOM of living soil organisms to survive.
- Behold our LIVING soil. Health soil is teeming with life - above and below.
- There are more MICROBES in 1 teaspoon of healthy soil than people on earth.
- This North Dakota farmer eliminated synthetic NUTRIENTS by farming for soil health.
- Soil health management builds ORGANIC MATTER, increasing water holding capacity.
- PROTOZOA release nitrogen used by plants and members of the food web.
- Soil health improves water QUALITY and other off-farm benefits.
- Healthy soils store more water and are more RESILIENT during dry and wet periods.
- A SPADE or shovel is your #1 soil health evaluation tool.
- TILLAGE can damage well-structured healthy soil.
- Want to learn more about soil health? UNLOCK the Secrets.
- What is the VALUE of improving soil health? Get this free kit and find out.
- Healthy soil protects WATER quality by resisting erosion.
- XTRA, XTRA! You read about it on the Iowa NRCS website.
- Healthy soils protect YIELDS and productivity in time of drought.
- Read about local producers who farm with a real ZEAL for soil health.