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Soil Biology Primer

The Soil Biology Primer is an introduction to the living component of soil and how it contributes to agricultural productivity and air and water quality. 

The creatures living in the soil are critical to soil health. They affect soil structure and therefore soil erosion and water availability. They can protect crops from pests and diseases. They are central to decomposition and nutrient cycling and therefore affect plant growth and amounts of pollutants in the environment. Finally, the soil is home to a large proportion of the world's genetic diversity.

Soil Biology Primer

The Soil Biology Primer is an introduction to the living component of soil and how it contributes to agricultural productivity and air and water quality. It includes chapters describing the soil food web and its relationship to soil health and chapters about soil bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes, arthropods, and earthworms.

Soil Biology Primer

Printed copies of the Soil Biology Primer may be purchased from the Soil and Water Conservation Society,

Copyright restrictions: Many photographs in the Soil Biology Primer cannot be used without explicit permission from the copyright ownersPlease contact the Soil and Water Conservation Society at for assistance with copyrighted (credited) images throughout the Primer.

The text, graphs, tables, non-credited photos, and graphics from USDA sources may be used freely; however, please credit the Soil Biology Primer.


The Natural Resources Conservation Service, with assistance from the Conservation Technology Information Center, provided leadership for this project. The Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Soil and Water Conservation Society thank many individuals, including the following, for their contributions.

Suggested Citation

  • Printed booklet: Tugel, A.J., A.M. Lewandowski, and D. Happe-vonArb, eds. 2000. Soil Biology Primer. Ankeny, IA: Soil and Water Conservation Society.


  • Elaine R. Ingham
  • Andrew R. Moldenke, Oregon State University
  • Clive A. Edwards, The Ohio State University


  • Arlene J. Tugel, Natural Resources Conservation Service
  • Ann M. Lewandowski, Natural Resources Conservation Service
  • Deb Happe-vonArb, Soil and Water Conservation Society


  • Nancy K. Marshall, Marshall Designs