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Major Land Resource Area (MLRA)

Major Land Resource Area (MLRA) including the publication Land Resource Regions and Major Land Resource Areas of the United States, the Caribbean, and the Pacific Basin (USDA Agriculture Handbook 296, 2022).

Land Resource Regions (LRR) and Major Land Resource Areas (MLRA) are delineated in the 2022 MLRA Geographic Database and described in USDA Agriculture Handbook 296. The handbook is used as a basis for decisions regarding national and regional land resource issues targeting efforts in education, finance, and technical services. It is also used to identify needs for research and additional inventories, as well as a vehicle for extrapolating research results across political boundaries. The handbook also serves various agencies within USDA by organizing and operating conservation program and other land resource and management programs.

Ordering Information

One copy may be ordered through the NRCS Distribution Center. For larger quantities, please contact your State Soil Scientist.

  1. Order on-line: Go to the NRCS Distribution Center
    a. Enter the keywords “land resource regions”
  2. Order by phone: 888-526-3227
  3. Order by e-mail:

Recommended Citation

United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2022. Land resource regions and major land resource areas of the United States, the Caribbean, and the Pacific Basin. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Handbook 296.

A hogback along the water pocket fold in Capitol Reef National Park.

High Resolution Text and Maps

The text and maps shown above are available in high resolution on Box.

Gallery of supplemental photos (coming soon).—Additional imagery to illustrate the landscapes. The gallery is sorted by Land Resource Region (LRR) and Major Land Resource Area (MLRA).

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