Conservation Compliance Agricultural Commodity List - Field Production Horticulture
If you grow agricultural commodity crops and you have Highly Erodible Land (HEL) or wetlands, you may need to meet the Highly Erodible Land Conservation (HELC) or Wetland Conservation (WC) provisions of the Food Security Act of 1985, as amended.
Field Production Horticulture
Disclaimer: It should be noted that this list is not comprehensive. USDA program participants should contact their local USDA Service Center's Natural Resources Conservation Service for determinations specific to their cultural practices or for plants not listed here. Where plants are listed as locally determined, they may be treated as annual or perennial based on their use in a local production system.
See the list of annual or perennial crops.
Most are perennials, but in a field production setting they are managed as annuals (local determination will be required). Please check with your USDA Service Center's Natural Resources Conservation Service for the determination specific to your agriculture operation.
Agapanthus (African Lily) - Annuals
Allium - Annuals
Alstroemeria (Peruvian Lily) - Annuals
Amaryllis (Hippeastrum) - Annuals
Anthurium - Annuals
Brodiaea - Annuals
Butterfly Lilies - Annuals
Caladiums - Annuals
Calochortus - Annuals
Camassias - Annuals
Canna - Annuals
Carnation - Annuals
Chionodoxa - Annuals
Colchicum - Annuals
Crinum - Annuals
Crocsomia (Crocus) - Annuals
Crocsomia (Crocus) - Annuals
Cyclamen - Annuals
Dahlias - Annuals
Dendrobium - Annuals
Elephant's Ear - Annuals
Eucharis - Annuals
Freesia - Annuals
Fritillarias - Annuals
Galanthus (Snow Drop) - Annuals
Galtonia - Annuals
Gladioli - Annuals
Gloriosa Lillies - Annuals
Haemanthus - Annuals
Hyacinth - Annuals
Hymenocallis - Annuals
Iris - Annuals
Ixia - Annuals
Lachenalia - Annuals
Leucojum - Annuals
Liatris - Annuals
Lilies (Asiatic, Bugle, Butterfly, Calla, Corn, Easter, Gloriosa, Oriental) - Annuals
Milla - Annuals
Montbretia - Annuals
Muscari - Annuals
Narcissus (Daffodils) - Annuals
Ornithogalum - Annuals
Other Orchids - Annuals
Protea - Annuals
Puschkinia - Annuals
Scilla - Annuals
Sparaxis - Annuals
Sprekelia - Annuals
Sternbergia - Annuals
Tigridias - Annuals
Tropicals - Annuals
Tulip - Annuals
Vallota - Annuals
Watsonia - Annuals
Zephyranthes - Annuals