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Schultz Creek post-fire EWP flood mitigation - Flagstaff, AZ

EWP Success Stories

The Emergency Watershed Protection Program helps communities recover from natural disasters. The following success stories illustrate the agility of EWP to provide recovery assistance.

Relocating Homes From Severe Erosion

Native Community of Akiak, Alaska and Natural Resources Conservation Service work together to respond to severe erosion caused by spring ice jams and plan for the future.

A home is moved across a road

EWP Provides a lifeline to Jasper County, TX

In intense storm with 60-mile an hour winds, fueled by Hurricane Laura, caused widespread flooding, downed power lines and debris that isolated rural communities in Jasper County. County commissioners worked with local NRCS EWP Program Managers to streamline recovery..

EWP Disaster Recovery - Jasper County, TX

Tropical Storm Ida

Flooding from Tropical Storm Ida in September 2021 caused significant damage to waterways across Pennsylvania and Louisiana. Significant streambank erosion left homes and business at risk. Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding was used to provide recovery assistance.

Tropical Storm IDA