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Conservation Innovation Grants Program (CIG) - New Mexico


The deadline for New Mexico CIG applications for fiscal year 2023 is May 1, 2023.

On This Page

New Mexico NRCS funds state level Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) projects to stimulate the development and adoption of innovative conservation approaches and technologies. Applications are accepted for projects located only in New Mexico. Eligible applicants are individuals, non-federal government and non-government organizations. Projects must be between one and three years in duration. New Mexico typically funds up to $50,000 each year. The funding floor for a single award is $5,000 and the funding ceiling for a single award is $50,000.


What projects are eligible and how to apply?

Please read the New Mexico Notice of Funding below for complete information on eligibility and how to apply for the state CIG. Proposals must demonstrate innovation with a pilot project, field demonstrations or on-farm conservation research. On-farm conservation research is defined as an investigation conducted to answer a specific applied conservation question using a statistically valid design while employing farm-scale equipment on farms, ranches or private forest lands. Projects must involve producers who are eligible for EQIP.

The NRCS Notice of Funding Opportunity (NFO), Opportunity Number USDA-NRCS-NM-CIG-23-NOFO0001263, has been posted to and is open for applications through May 1, 2023. The opportunity can be found easily on through the basic search criteria using “CIG”, the opportunity number, or by searching the CFDA of 10.912.  It can also be found by filtering for All Department of Agriculture. Applicants must be registered with and prior to submitting an application.

New Mexico CIG 2023 Notice of Funding (NOF) 

A de minimis agreement must be submitted if a de minimis rate is being requested.

10 Percent De Minimis Indirect Cost Rate


Funded New Mexico CIG Projects 

  • Quivira Coalition: Teaching forest landowners how to produce biochar from woody materials to improve soil health.
  • Quivira Coalition: Comparing organic matter amendments in dry rangeland environment.
  • Center of Excellence: Short Duration/High intensity grazing and its effects on vegetation and soil health in southeastern New Mexico.
  • Playa Lakes Joint Venture: A Groundwater Recharge Calculator for Restoration Practices on Playa Wetlands. For the calculator and more information, please visit Playas Work for New Mexico
  • Quivira Coalition: Building Farmer and Rancher capacity to support soil health in New Mexico. Download the soil health workbook at Soil Health Workbook y en espanol Salud de la Tierra Libro de Trabajo - Quivira Coalition
  • New Mexico State University: Improving soil health and ecosystem services through circular grass buffers strips, cover cropping and crop diversification in New Mexico. 
  • New Mexico State University: Strategies for soil and water conservation and sustainable forage corn production system: cutting height, row spacing and forage quality considerations.
  • Remote Well Solutions:  Propane generator/automated monitoring technology demonstration. The demonstration of an automated pump systems that turns off the generator and pump if a float on the drinker shuts off the flow, low oil is detected in the generator, or the generator runs out of fuel.
  • McKinley Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD): No-till drill demonstrations. A no-till drill was used to plant 188 acres. The SWCD purchased a custom trailer and learned about the hydraulics interface. The SWCD promotes the use of no-till equipment to farmers and ranches in the district. A how-to video on using a no-till drill is posted at
  • Jornada RC&D: Stream Barb demonstration on Palomas Creek, a dry arroyo.
  • Rio Grande Community Farms: Drip irrigation and organic farming demonstration
  • NMSU Clovis Experiment Station: No-till/minimum tillage demonstration
  • Jarrett Dairies: Combined anaerobic digestion and wetland treatment of dairy waste
  • Canada Alamosa: Constructed Log Jams. A series of log structures were built along an ephemeral drainage to slow down flows, increase vegetation, increase groundwater recharge, and decrease stream erosion.
  • NMSU: Adapting Planting and Harvesting Methods for Corn Silage to Increase Field Residue.


Two scientists kneel in a field with equipment.

Learn More About CIG

Explore the new CIG website to learn about funding opportunities, find grantee resources, access information about past projects, and more.

Program Contacts:

Athena Cholas
Resource Conservationist

(505) 761-4419


Kenneth J. Branch

Assistant State Conservationist for Programs

(505) 761-4454

Additional Information

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