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Plant Materials Centers

California - Lockeford Plant Materials Center

21001 N. Elliott Rd.
Lockeford, CA 95237
Mailing Address
PO Box 68
Lockeford, CA 95237
Location Home Page

Lockeford Plant Materials Center 
Serving the State of California

Established: 1939
Size: 106 acres
PMC Operation: NRCS
Land Ownership: NRCS

Walnut grove with mixed cover crop species planted between the rows of walnut trees

The Lockeford Plant Materials Center (CAPMC) was established in Pleasanton, California and relocated to Lockeford in 1973. The Center provides plant solutions for the diverse Californian landscape and serves the Mediterranean climate portions of California. This area is uniquely characterized by its six-month summer dry season and six-month winter rainy season.

The service area has a complex topography including the Coastal and Central Valleys, California Delta, rolling foot-hills, upland plateaus, and rugged mountains. Agriculture in the service area is extremely intensive and diversified, with annual and perennial specialty crops, including tree crops, rangeland with extensive livestock production, dairies, and timber production. We continue to develop plant technologies to promote conservation and to address resource concerns within our service area.

Our main focus is to develop plant technology for addressing resource concerns, which in California include; soil health, water-use efficiency for water quality and quantity, air quality, wildlife habitat and land restoration. The CAPMC has developed and maintains conservation plant releases, which include native and non-native releases with application for range and pasture enhancement, cover cropping systems and wildlife habitat.


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Employee Directory

USDA-NRCS Lockeford Plant Materials Center Staff
Name Position Phone Number Email
Margaret Smither-Kopperl
PMC Manager
Study Leader
Shawn Vue
Environmental Technician
Ashley Koenigs
Biological Science Technician