Michigan Organic Farm Stands in ‘Good Stead’
Meet Sarah Longstreth, founder of Good Stead Farm, a source of fresh, local organic food in Midland County, Michigan for more than 60 families as well as local restaurants and farmers market.
Sarah started farming after graduating college, apprenticing on farms in Maine and Minnesota, and as far away as Jordan and Egypt. That’s when she decided she wanted to head home to Michigan and start her own farm.
Good Stead Farm is a staple for good food in the county. It’s a community supported agriculture (CSA) farm that feeds 60 families as well as sells at local restaurants and farmers markets.
Read the full story to learn more about Sarah's farm and how she has worked with NRCS.
Download "Michigan Organic Farm Stands in 'Good Stead'" as a PDF.
This story is part of the #Fridaysonthefarm series. Browse the full collection.