Kansas Doyle Creek Watershed Site 11
The Doyle Creek Watershed Joint District (WJD) 86 Floodwater Retarding Dam (FRD) 11 is a Federally assisted action, authorized under the authority of the Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act, Public Law 83-566 (PL-83-566), as amended by Section 313 of Public Law 106-472, the Small Watershed Rehabilitation Amendments of 2000, and in accordance with Section 102 (2) (c) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, Public Law 91-190, as amended (42 USC 43221 et seq.). These acts authorize the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to provide technical and financial assistance to local project sponsors. Sponsoring local organizations (SLOs) of the Doyle Creek Watershed Project are the Doyle Creek Watershed Joint District No. 86, Harvey County Conservation District, and Marion County Conservation District.
The Doyle Creek Watershed Plan and Environmental Impact Statement (Plan-EIS) was completed in January 1992 and was authorized for Federal installation assistance in August 1995. The Supplemental Environmental Assessment was completed to update the environmental analysis specifically for FRD 11. This assessment was conducted in consultation with local, state, tribal governments, and federal agencies as well as with interested organizations and individuals. Upon consideration of the affected environment, alternatives, environmental consequences, and comments and coordination with concerned public and agencies, the Kansas State Conservationist for NRCS, found that the proposed action is not a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment, and has determined that a supplemental environmental impact statement for the Doyle Creek Watershed Plan is not required.
For further information relating to the project action, please refer to the Supplemental Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). No administrative action on implementation of the proposed action will be taken until 30 days after the date of publication of the public notice in the Marion County Record in Marion, Kansas. A public notice was published in the Marion County Record on December 20, 2023.
A copy of the completed documents and public notice may be downloaded for review from the links below.