Feral Swine Eradication and Control Pilot Program
The Feral Swine Eradication and Control Pilot Program (FSCP) was established by the 2018 Farm Bill to respond to the threat feral swine pose to agriculture, native ecosystems, and human and animal health. USDA is focusing efforts through this pilot where feral swine pose the highest threat.
Program at a Glance
The Feral Swine Eradication and Control Pilot Program (FSCP) is implemented jointly by NRCS and USDA’s Animal and Plant Health and Inspection Service (APHIS). Total funding for the program is $75 million over the life of the 2018 Farm Bill. In the first round of funding, NRCS obligated more than $16.7 million for 20 feral swine pilot projects in ten states. APHIS and NRCS limited the first round of pilot projects to select areas of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Texas. Round 1 projects are currently ongoing and are a collaborative effort between APHIS, NRCS, and the selected partners. A second round of funding and projects have been selected. Projects to be included in round 2 of funding can be found in the below table and are expected to work in Alabama, Hawaii, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas.
Pilot projects will consist broadly of three coordinated components: 1) feral swine removal by APHIS; 2) restoration efforts supported by NRCS; and 3) assistance to producers for feral swine control provided through grants with non-federal partners.
Projects can last for one to three years and are expected to conclude September 30, 2023. This year, NRCS will invest up to $1.5 million per project and NRCS will provide up to 75 percent of the total project costs, with the remaining 25% of costs coming from match committed by the partner.
Monitoring and evaluation will be essential to measuring the success of the pilot projects and the program. This program aims to collect a comprehensive understanding of the extent and nature of damages related to feral swine experienced by landowners in project areas. To accomplish this, detailed data are to be collected on (1) crops, (2) livestock, (3) property (e.g. fences, implements, roads), (4) crop conversion due to damage, (5) surface damages to land, (6) stored commodities. We also capture landowners’ personal efforts at feral swine damage management by (1) personal damage management, (2) support from Wildlife Services, (3) any revenues derived from feral swine or wildlife, and (4) operational increases (e.g. checking and repairing fences) due to feral swine presence and damage on their property. All projects will collect damage assessment data, but may also collect additional information based on resource concerns of the area. For additional information, visit the Landowner Damage Assessment Survey page.
Who is Eligible
The activities of FSCP are to be conducted in pilot areas where feral swine have been identified as a threat, as determined by the Secretary. The full list of proposed projects can be found below under “Round 2”.
A total of 20 pilot projects across 10 states were identified for the first round of funding. Fourteen pilot projects in 8 states have been selected in the second round of funding and are expected to begin in 2021. Additional information about the pilot projects, including maps, project specifics, expected partner roles, and contacts for APHIS and NRCS at the state level, can be found below.
Round 2

Geneva Feral Swine Control Pilot Project - Geneva, Dale, Houston
Windward Oahu Feral Swine Control Pilot Project - Honolulu
Lakes Region Feral Swine Control Pilot Project - Bates, Barton, Benton, Camden, Cedar, Dade, Dallas, Henry, Hickory, Jasper, Phelps, Pulaski, Laclede, Lawrence, Polk, Greene, St. Clair, Texas, Vernon, Webster, and Wright
Ozark Highlands Feral Swine Control Pilot Project - Bollinger, Butler, Carter, Crawford, Dent, Iron, Madison, Oregon, Reynolds, Ripley, Shannon, Stoddard, Washington, and Wayne
White River Basin Feral Swine Control Pilot Project - Barry, Christian, Douglas, Howell, McDonald, Newton, Ozark, Taney, and Stone
Delta Expansion Feral Swine Control Pilot Project - Issaquena, Sharkey, Warren, and Yazoo
North Carolina
Five County Feral Swine Control Pilot Project - Anson, Davie, Haywood, Montgomery, and Randolph
Sampson Feral Swine Control Pilot Project - Sampson
Osage/Pawnee County Feral Swine Control Pilot Project - Osage and Pawnee
Upper Red River County Feral Swine Control Pilot Project - 4 of the Red River Counties and Beckham, Roger Mills
South Carolina
Jasper Feral Swine Control Pilot Project - Jasper
Dallam Feral Swine Control Pilot Project - Dallam
Nueces Feral Swine Control Pilot Project - Nueces, San Patricio, Bee
Williamson/Milam Feral Swine Control Pilot Project - Williamson, Milam
How to Apply
The application period is closed and no other funding opportunities are planned at this time.
Ongoing Projects
Round 1 projects that were initiated in 2020 are still ongoing, but are not taking applications for partners. These projects were previously advertised and have existing partners who are assisting with the project delivery.
- Alabama Gulf Coast Project
- Alabama Wiregrass Project
- Alabama Black Belt Project
- Arkansas Ozark Project
- Arkansas Southeast Project
- Arkansas Southwest Project
- Arkansas West RV Project
- Florida FL/GA Project
- Georgia Albany Project
- Georgia GA/FL Project
- Louisiana Project
- Mississippi Project
- North Carolina Project
- Oklahoma Kay County Project
- Oklahoma Red River Project
- South Carolina Hampton Project
- South Carolina Newberry Project
- Texas Canadian River Project
- Texas Leon Project
- Texas Red River Project
For More Information
For an interactive map and frequently asked questions, visit https://nrcs.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=814cf9e75485458da43db3a65b1bcd51

Questions about the program can be directed to lacey.williamson@usda.gov or (202) 619-8569.