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Wibaux County Montana Local Working Group Meeting

Event Date
March 20, 2024
5:00 p.m.
Wibaux County Courthouse - Courtroom, Wibaux, MT
Grazing land on the Ray Banister Ranch located in Wibaux County, Montana

Wibaux Conservation District and NRCS are hosting a meeting to gather input from local stakeholders to help prioritize natural resource concerns and guide NRCS funding opportunities.


Registration not required.

The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and the Wibaux Conservation District (WCD) will be holding the Local Work Group meeting on March 20, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. at the Wibaux County Courthouse Courtroom.

The purpose of the Local Work Group meeting is to get input from landowners and operators throughout Wibaux County to determine what the resource concerns (i.e. soil erosion, soil health, interseeding into crop, grass seedings, lack of water, pasture improvement, etc.) are on their farms and ranches. The Wibaux Conservation District and NRCS can then work to submit a proposal for funding in a certain area of the county or the entire county. We would seek financial assistance through the NRCS and other potential partners. The NRCS would provide technical assistance as well.

Past proposals have been the Pasture Improvement Project in southern Wibaux County and the Grassland Health and Little Bluestem targeted implementation plan in northern Wibaux County. A proposal for animal health/livestock shelter will be submitted for 2025 funding. This plan would cover the entire county and would include portable and permanent shelters as well as windbreaks/shelterbelts.  

The Wibaux Conservation District and NRCS need to hear from the people on the land. What do we request federal funding for and where? Help us help you help the land.

Please contact Wibaux NRCS if you require special accommodations to attend.

Get more information about Local Working Groups in Montana.


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