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Relay Cropping with Soybeans Yielding Productivity and Economic Gains

Event Date
January 15, 2025
12:00 p.m.
soy bean

Iowa Soybean Association’s Alex Schaffer will share on-farm relay cropping trial results from 2024



Shortly before noon CST, click the link below or type this web address into your internet browser:

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    Dial: 646-876-9923 | Webinar ID: 999 3709 5398

The Iowa Learning Farms (ILF) conservation webinar taking place Jan. 15, at noon CST will feature Alex Schaffer, senior research agronomist with the Iowa Soybean Association. Schaffer covers northeast Iowa, coordinating with farmers to implement on-farm research trials to enrich the body of knowledge on topic areas including comparisons of inputs and products in single-treatment versus control trials as well as more complex cropping systems with multiple treatments. The ultimate goal of these trials and activities is to contribute to the productivity, profitability, and sustainability of Iowa's farmers.

In the webinar, “2024 Relay Cropping Management & Results,” Schaffer will provide an overview of relay cropping of soybeans with small grains. He will draw on the results of the Iowa Soybean Association’s 2024 on-farm relay cropping trials to illustrate cover crop management factors and the outcomes of the trials. Schaffer will share scouting imagery gathered throughout the season as well as comparative economic analyses of sole crop soybeans and relay cropped soybeans. He will also highlight identified benefits and risks associated with this intensive management cropping system.

“While relay cropping soybeans offers substantial benefits, it also introduces risks that need to be managed throughout the growing season,” said Schaffer. “As we log more seasons and on-farm outcomes we continue to learn and fine tune these practices. There are demonstrated benefits such as nitrate sequestration, soil cover that reduces erosion, and diversified revenue generation, and we are eager to share the trial results with others who may be interested in implementing relay cropping.”

Participants are encouraged to ask questions of the presenters. People from all backgrounds and areas of interest are encouraged to join.

Upcoming Webinars in the Series:

Jan. 29: Josh Peschel, Iowa State University
Feb. 5: Justin Meissen, Tallgrass Prairie Center – University of Northern Iowa