2024 Western Regional Cooperative Soil Survey Conference
Join us for the 2024 Western Regional Cooperative Soil Survey Conference!
$275 – Regular Registration
$375 – Late (after June 11) or On-Site Registration
$50 – Student Registration
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The 2024 Western Regional Cooperative Soil Survey Conference will be hosted by Montana State University and held in Missoula, Montana. The conference theme is: “Soilscapes to Landscapes: Focused Conservation for Reinvigorating Healthy Communities.”
Call for Abstracts
Hilton Garden Inn
3720 North Reserve Street
Missoula, MT 59808
(406) 532-5300
Nathan Parry
State Soil Scientist
NRCS Montana
(p) 406-587-6834
(e) nathan.parry@usda.gov
Dr. Stephanie A. Ewing
Associate Professor, Soil Biogeochemistry
Montana State University
(e) stephanie.ewing@montana.edu
Deb Harms
National Leader, Soil Survey Laboratory
(p) 402-437-5324
(e) deb.harms@usda.gov
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Monday, July 22 (Moderator: Quinn Lively)
Montana State University (MSU)
Nathan Parry, Montana State Soil Scientist
Tom Watson, Montana State Conservationist
Dr. Stephanie Ewing, Professor, Soil Biogeochemistry & Director, Montana Water Center (MSU)
Neil Dominy, Director of the National Soil Survey Center
Eva Muller, Northwest Regional Director SPSD
Andrew Brown, Soil Scientist SPSD
Tim Riebe, Senior Regional Soil Scientist SPSD
USFS Regions 1 and 4 Report by Vince Archer, R1 Soil Scientist
Jay Skovlin, Soil Scientist SPSD
Cooperator/Partner Meeting (Salon B)
State Soil Scientist Meeting (Salon C)
Regional SPSD Staff Meeting (Salon F)
Tuesday, July 23 (Moderator: Vince Archer)
Bylaws (Salon A)
Interpretations (Salon B)
Taxonomy (Salon C)
Technology (Salon E)
Coastal Zone Soil Survey (Subaqueous Soils) (Salon F)
Hydric Soils (Salon C)
Research Priorities (Salon B)
Soil and Ecosystem Dynamics (Salon E)
Standards (Salon F)
Urban (Salon A)
Bylaws (Salon A)
Interpretations (Salon B)
Taxonomy (Salon C)
Technology (Salon E)
Coastal Zone Soil Survey (Subaqueous Soils) (Salon F)
Hydric Soils (Salon C)
Research Priorities (Salon B)
Soil and Ecosystem Dynamics (Salon E)
Standards (Salon F)
Urban (Salon A)
Greg Taylor, Senior Soil Scientist for Special Projects SPSD
Dr. Deborah Dumroese, Senior Scientist & Research Soil Scientist USFS
Kyle Tackett, Assistant State Conservationist, Partnerships
Brad Weltzien, Land Steward and Jim Stone, Chair Blackfoot Challenge
Brad Holiday, Montana State Community Ag Specialist
Keela Deaton, Montana Soil Health Specialist
Jennifer Smith (virtual), Wisconsin State Soil Scientist
Debbie Surabian, National Resource Soil Scientist and National Leader for Standards
Suzann Kienast, National GIS Specialist SPSD
Francine Lheritier, National Resource Soil Scientist SPSD
Larry Smith, Retired Geomorphologist, Montana Tech
Wednesday, July 24 (Field Tour and Evening Banquet)
This full day bus tour will highlight soils within the glaciated terrain of the Blackfoot Valley in western Montana. Tour stops will feature forested and rangeland soilscapes ranging from outwash plains to beautiful knobby glacial moraines and interactions with water from the high stand of glacial Lake Missoula. Stops will also include discussions on soil health with a local producer and studies on biochar application.
Brown bag lunch, drinks, and snacks are provided.
Dinner is provided and will be at the Zootown Arts Community Center (ZACC), in the heart of downtown Missoula at the historic Studebaker building. Biga Pizza is catering the event.
Tom DeLuca, Dean-College of Forestry, Oregon State University
Neil Dominy, Director of the National Soil Survey Center
Thursday, July 25 (Moderator: Matti Osterman)
8:00 AM -- Meghan Krueger: An Introduction to Soil Survey Area CA663, Inyo County Area, California
8:20 AM -- Travis Nauman: Utilizing a digital soil mapping workflow to optimize Soils2026 efforts to complete SSURGO for the most populous areas of Alaska
8:40 AM -- Jack Poole: In Prairie Riparian Corridors, Hydric Soils and Shallow Groundwater Dictate Water Quality Patterns
9:00 AM -- Janis Boettinger: Soils and Rare Plant Habitat in the Colorado Plateau
9:20 AM -- Jonathan Maynard: Evaluating On-Farm Functional Soil Variability: A Decision
9:40 AM -- Travis Nauman: Soil Landscapes of the United States (SOLUS) soil property maps: overview, feedback, and future directions
10:00 AM -- Break
10:15 AM -- Mark Kimsey (virtual): Soil Moisture Regimes ID
10:35 AM -- Dave White: Bringing together mechanistic pedological knowledge and innovative digital soil mapping techniques for a complete nation-wide soil inventory
Hydric Soils: Aaron Miller, MLRA Soil Survey Office Leader
Interpretations: Steve Campbell, Soil Scientist at West National Tech Support Center
Research Priorities: Juliet Baker
Soil and Ecosystem Dynamics: Kirt Walstad, Regional Ecological Site Specialist NW Region
Taxonomy: Shawn Nield, Idaho State Soil Scientist
Standards: Andrew Brown, Soil Scientist SPSD
Technology: Nate Starman, Senior Regional Soil Scientist for Southwest Region
Coastal Zone Soil Survey (Subaqueous Soils): Greg Taylor, Senior Soil Scientist for Special Projects
Urban: Erik Dahlke
Nathan Parry and Amy Koch
Nathan Parry, Montana State Soil Scientist