East National Technology Support Center Webinar Training
The East National Technology Support Center offers monthly training webinars as well as featured webinars on special topics and initiatives.
The USDA NRCS East National Technology Support Center (ENTSC) presents multidisciplinary webinar training the lastWednesday of the month from 2:00 - 3:00 PM Eastern. We also feature webinars on special topics and initiatives throughout the year. Participant join information is released approximately 30 days prior to an event. At this time, participants can simply "join" a webinar; pre-registration is not necessary. Our webinars are open to the public, and they are recorded for on-demand use.
Visit the Science and Technology Training Library at ConservationWebinars.net to join live webinar presentations and our "Conservation Webinars" on-demand training. USDA NRCS webinars are identified with the Agency's raindrop logo. The webinar portal also features forestry, bioenergy, and other webinars presented by our webinar portal partners. The Science and Technology Training Library is provided in partnership with Southern Regional Extension Forestry and several land grant universities.
- Visit Planned Conservation Webinars to view our webinar calendar
- Subscribe for Webinar Announcements
- Science and Technology Training Library - Live & On-demand Webinars
All instructions needed to participate in a live webinar or view an on-demand replay are provided at the Science and Technology Training Library at ConservationWebinars.net. Each webinar title is presented on a unique web page that offers a Join or View button to access the content. A workflow is provided for users interested in earning CEUs or receiving a training certificate. Plus, you'll see how participating in training online helps save a little piece of our planet - see the Green Savings for a webinar.
Contact the ENTSC for assistance.
Live Webinar Instructions - Adobe Connect
1) Your sign-in information at the Science and Technology Training Library auto-populates your login for Adobe Connect.
2) You will hear the webinar audio through your device's speakers.
3) Prepare in advance - see the Adobe Connect user guide.