Northeast and Southeast Areas
220 East Rosser Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58501
Bismarck, ND 58501
NRCS North Dakota - Northeast and Southeast Areas
Find Your Local Service Center
Rolling Plains: Bismarck, Steele, Linton, Napoleon
North Valley: Devils Lake, Langdon, Cavalier, Park River
North Central: Rolla, Cando, Rugby, Minnewaukan
Red River: Grand Forks, Lakota, Finley, and Hillsboro
James River: Jamestown, LaMoure, Ashley, and Ellendale
Lake Agassiz: Valley City, Fargo, Lisbon, Forman, Wahpeton
Sheyenne River: Carrington, Cooperstown, Fessendon, and New Rockford
Northeast and Southeast Areas
Name | Position | Phone Number | |
Vacant - Bismarck FO
District Conservationist
Wade E. Carter - Steele FO
District Conservationist
Paige A. Schmidt - Linton FO
District Conservationist
Andy Gross - Napoleon FO
District Conservationist
Nicolas Kramer - Steele FO
Business Tools Specialist
Dalton Utke - Bismarck FO
Biologist (Wetlands Specialist)
Scott C. Kelsch - Linton FO
Engineering Technician
Allyson Renschler-Bismarck FO
Management and Program Analyst
Dylan Ripplinger-Napoleon FO
Management and Program Analyst
Rebecka Brady-Bismarck FO
Natural Resources Specialist
Jakob Schmid-Bismarck FO
Natural Resource Specialist
Sinaiah (Sin) Harrington-Bismarck FO
Natural Resource Specialist
Timothy Renschler - Bismarck FO
Rangeland Management Specialist
Stephanie Becker - Napoleon FO
Rangeland Management Specialist
Shane Weigel - Napoleon FO
Soil Conservationist
Pierce Spielman-Bismarck FO
Soil Conservationist
Laura Beastrom-Linton FO
Soil Conservationist
SCD Staff:
Cortney Kartes-Steele FO
SCD Clerk
Shelley Vetter-Napoleon FO
SCD Manager
Constance Bryant-Bismarck SO
SCD Technician
Chad Thorsen-Bismarck FO
SCD Technician
Darrell D. Oswald-Bismarck SO
SCD Technician
Nolan Swenson-Bismarck SO
SCD Technician
Joshua Schmaltz-Steele FO
SCD Technician
Cassidy Asing-Linton FO
SCD Technician
Other NRCS Staff:
Tina Johs-Napoleon FO
Management/Program Analyst (State Office Programs Staff)
Name | Position | Phone Number | |
Dustin J. Brodina - Devils Lake FO
Conservation Team Lead
Chris Nelson - Park River FO
Conservation Team Lead
Allyson Hanson-Devils Lake FO
District Conservationist
Brenyn D. Hardy - Langdon FO
District Conservationist
Vacant-Cavalier FO
District Conservationist
Robert H. Lundquist, III - Park River FO
District Conservationist
Hunter Berg-Devils Lake FO
Gwen L. Sobolik - Park River FO
Kate Sobolik-Devils Lake FO
Area Engineer
Graham Goodwin-Devil's Lake AO
Cultural Resources Specialist
Tory Nygaard - Devils Lake FO
Engineering Technician
Linda Fellman-Park River FO
Management and Program Analyst
Heather Halvorson-Cavalier FO
Management and Program Analyst
Christina Crockett-Langdon FO
Natural Resources Specialist
Keith Chan-Devils Lake FO
Natural Resources Specialist
Brandon Hanson-Devils Lake FO
Resource Conservationist
Luke Lundeby - Langdon FO
Soil Conservationist
Brittany Ostwald-Devils Lake FO
Soil Conservationist
Steve E. Ashpole - Park River FO
Soil Conservationist Technician
SCD Staff:
Sarah Johnston-Park River FO
SCD District Manager
Denise Neumann
SCD Manager
Kathy Jordan-Langdon FO
SCD Manager
David Remmen-Devils Lake FO
SCD Technician
Claire Leiseth-Devils Lake FO
SCD Technician
Other NRCS Staff:
Draper E. Lundquist
Program Liaison (State Office Programs Staff)
Kristina Herman-Halverson-Cavalier FO
SCD Manager
Name | Position | Phone Number | |
Brian Gysbers - Cando FO
Conservation Team Lead
Jesse Mastrian-Rolla FO
District Conservationist
Ross Myers - Cando FO
District Conservationist
Bradley S. Jacobs - Rugby FO
District Conservationist
Matthew Seufert-Minnewaukan FO
District Conservationist
Vicki Parisien-Rolla FO
Management and Program Analyst
Zachary Lessig-Rolla FO
Natural Resources Specialist
Rebecca Watkins-Rugby FO
Natural Resources Specialist
Yolanda Schmidt - Rugby FO
Range Management Specialist
SCD Staff
Tammy Lassonde-Rolla FO
SCD Manager
Doug Johnston-Rugby FO
SCD Manager (South McHenry)
Andrew Oksendahl-Rugby FO
SCD Manager (Pierce County)
Wanda Teigen-Minnewaukan FO
SCD Technician
Alexander Olson-Cando FO
SCD Manager
Other NRCS Staff:
Nikki M. Hanretty-Rolla FO
Management and Program Analyst
Jeffrey Desjarlais-Rolla FO
Soil Conservationist (Tribal Liaison)
Pamela J. Walter-Cando FO
Soil Conservationist (NRI) (State Office Soils Staff)
Name | Position | Phone Number | |
Kevin M. Gietzen - Grand Forks FO
District Conservationist
DeAnn Schneider-Lakota FO
District Conservationist
Reggie L. Laframboise - Finley FO
District Conservationist
Vacant - Hillsboro FO
District Conservationist
Brent Skjolden-Lakota FO
Paul Bjorg - Grand Forks FO
Engineering Technician
Alyssa Carbary-Lakota FO
Management and Program Analyst
Sydney Bidwell-Finley FO
Natural Resources Specialist
Greg Bengtson - Grand Forks FO
Resource Conservationist
Ryan Thorson - Grand Forks FO
Soil Conservationist
Kori Hodek-Lakota FO
Soil Conservationist
Shawn Holcomb - Finley FO
Soil Conservationist
Andrew W. Willyard - Grand Forks FO
Wetlands Specialist
SCD Staff:
Isabell Hermanson-Finley FO
SCD District Manager
Tammy Yarber-Hillsboro FO
SCD Manager
Jill Kvasager-Grand Forks FO
SCD Clerk
Joshua Moe-Grand Forks FO
SCD Technician
Justin Parks-Grand Forks FO
SCD Watershed Coordinator
Name | Position | Phone Number | |
Andrew Jewett - Jamestown FO
Conservation Team Lead
Lindsey Goldade-Ashley FO
Conservation Team Lead
Braedon Honetschlager - Jamestown FO
District Conservationist
Amanda J. Brandt-LaMoure FO
District Conservationist
Michael Bichler - Ashley FO
District Conservationist
Andrew J. Wertz-Ellendale FO
District Conservationist
Ranita Pope-Lloyd-Lamoure FO
Business Tools Specialist
Erica A. Althoff - Jamestown FO
Mary Feaster-Jamestown FO
Management and Program Analyst
Emily Glassen-Ashley FO
Natural Resources Specialist
Marc T. Murdoff - Jamestown FO
Rangeland Management Specialist
Darin D. Hirschkorn-Jamestown FO
Resource Conservationist
L. Joseph Cooper - Jamestown FO
Resource Soil Scientist
Jeremiah Ulmer - Ellendale FO
Soil Conservationist
Mikayla Lardy - Jamestown FO
Soil Conservation Technician
Megan Wahl - Ashley FO
Soil Conservationist
SCD Staff:
Ellie Kronberg-Ashley FO
SCD Manager
Susan K. Muske-LaMoure FO
SCD Manager
Renee S. Schlosser-Ellendale FO
SCD Clerk/Manager
Tokina Mcharry-Ellendale FO
SCD Environmental Education Coordinator
Regina Olson-Jamestown FO
SCD Technician
Dustin Krueger-Jamestown FO
SCD Watershed Technician
Other NRCS Staff:
Cody Hoggarth-Jamestown FO
Farm Bill Specialist
Daniel J. Wingenbach-Jamestown FO
Resource Conservationist (State Office Ecological Science Staff)
Neil L. Schaar-Ellendale FO
Designated Conservationist (State Office Compliance Staff)
Name | Position | Phone Number | |
Vacant - Fargo FO
Conservation Team Lead
Mark E. Welter - Lisbon FO
Conservation Team Lead
Shelby L. Larson - Valley City FO
District Conservationist
Joshua J. Monson - Fargo FO
District Conservationist
Jacob Johnson - Lisbon FO
District Conservationist
Brandon Laddusaw - Forman FO
District Conservationist
Jonathan Quast - Wahpeton FO
District Conservationist
Amy Gnoinsky- Wahpeton FO
Business Tools Specialist
Blake P. Johnson - Fargo FO
Bethany Krebs-Fargo FO
Management and Program Analyst
Jerikka Freeman-Forman FO
Management and Program Analyst
Matthew L. Shappell - Fargo FO
Natural Resources Specialist
Jordaan Thompson Larson - Lisbon FO
Resource Soil Scientist
Lucas Edgerly-Lisbon FO
Soil Conservationist
Riley Breuer - Wahpeton FO
Soil Conservationist
Brock Pearson - Wahpeton FO
Soil Conservationist
Tanner Tougas - Wahpeton FO
Soil Conservationist
SCD Staff:
Jill Olson-Valley City FO
SCD Clerk/Manager
Amy L. Cole-Fargo FO
SCD Clerk
Billie Hinders-Wahpeton FO
SCD Clerk
Jeffrey Miller-Fargo FO
SCD Operations Coordinator
Anthony R. Peterson-Fargo FO
SCD Technician
Keith Kinneberg-Wahpeton FO
SCD District Technician
Jason Elston-Valley City FO
SCD Technician
Robert Flath-Lisbon FO
SCD Technician
Leslie Brezicka-Forman FO
SCD Secretary
Eric Dahl-Fargo FO
SCD Watershed Coordinator
Jennifer Klostreich-Wahpeton FO
SCD Watershed Coordinator
Matt Olson-Forman FO
319 Watershed Coordinator
Other NRCS Staff:
Paul T. Flahave-Fargo FO
Designated Conservationist (State Office Compliance Staff)
Rick Voldseth-Fargo FO
Designated Conservationist (State Office Compliance Staff)
Cassie Ahmed-Fargo FO
State Agricultural Engineer
Tim G. Cogger-Fargo FO
Management and Program Analyst (State Office Programs Staff)
Patrick Rohloff-Lisbon FO
Natural Resources Specialist
Brent Gustafson-Valley City FO
Soil Health Specialist
Name | Position | Phone Number | |
Paul C. DuBourt - Carrington FO
Conservation Team Lead
Kayla Feiring Bjork - Carrington FO
District Conservationist
Vacant-Cooperstown FO
District Conservationist
Vacant - Fessenden FO
District Conservationist
Joshua Bruggman - New Rockford FO
District Conservationist
Nichole A. Johnson - Carrington FO
Management and Program Analyst
Tina Wentz-Fessenden FO
Management and Program Analyst
Myles Stinnett-Carrington FO
Natural Resource Specialist
Kelly Satrom - Carrington FO
Soil Conservationist
Zachary Compson - Carrington FO
Sonya D. Bendickson - Cooperstown FO
Soil Conservation Technician
SCD Staff:
Anne Ehni-Fessenden FO
SCD District Manager
Dionn Schaaf-Carrington FO
SCD Manager
Nathan Johnson-Cooperstown FO
SCD Manager/Technician
Shannon Anderson-New Rockford FO
SCD Clerk
Easton Brown-Carrington FO
SCD Technician
Alex Otto-New Rockford FO
SCD Technician
Toni Yow-Fessenden FO
SCD Technician
Other NRCS Staff:
John A. Bauer-Cooperstown FO
Designated Conservationist (State Office Compliance Staff)
Melanie Hoyt-Cooperstown FO
Management and Program Analyst
Candice M. Sauvageau-Carrington FO
Management and Program Analyst
Codie L. Larson-Carrington FO
Program Liaison (State Office Programs Staff)