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Components of Dynamic Soil Survey

Incorporation of spatial, temporal, climatic, and biological data into soil survey.

Raster Soil Maps

All products will be produced in a raster (grid) format and will provide higher-resolution information than the current soil survey. Products will include class maps that correspond to traditional soil products and soil property maps.

Raster map example.

For more information, visit the Digital Soil Mapping Team page.

Ecological Site Descriptions

SPSD is developing ESDs nationwide. Each Ecological State has unique resource concerns and a set of dynamic soil properties.

Ecological site description example.

For more information, visit the Ecological Sites Team page.

Dynamic Soil Properties

The measurement and distribution of dynamic soil properties will include reported potential and expected values for soil specific properties that are known to change with land use and management.

Dynamic soil properties for soil health photos.

For more information, visit the Dynamic Soil Properties Team page.

Climate and Hydrology

Hydrologic products will be enhanced through the DSS process with increased measured data, improved spatial and temporal resolution, linkage to local weather stations and an emphasis on communication to various stakeholders.

Weather station.