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Accolades in Spades

Recognizing soil and plant science professionals.

Team of the Quarter

Photo of Noah Hull.
Photo of Noah Hull.
Photo of Mike Piotrowski.
Photo of Mike Piotrowski.

The Soil and Plant Science Division would like to recognize Noah Hull and Mike Piotrowski as the Team of the Quarter for their exemplary contributions and resilience as Alaska detailees during the 2024 field season.

In their nominators’ words:

“In the field, Noah moved back and forth between a student and a teacher seamlessly and added a valuable perspective on our operations. Noah consistently volunteers for work and completes implied tasks with little or no supervision required. Noah even volunteered to go to the field on short notice when another member of our team was unable. Noah is a top-of-the-line detailee and all-around employee.

Mike constantly volunteered for extra tasks without second thought. His work ethic and attitude would be applauded by any manager and welcome on any team. Specifically, Mike collected vegetation data on over 30 individual plots throughout his short tenure in Alaska. In addition to performing field work, Mike ensured data continuity by entering this data and assisting with the correlation of his sites into the larger ecological product for the project area.”

Please join us in congratulating Noah and Mike!

2024 National Cooperative Soil Survey Awardees

In 1999, the Soil Survey Division (now the Soil and Plant Science Division) created two awards to recognize scientists involved in the Soil Survey Program. In 2005, the NCSS Cooperator Achievement award was added. In 2019, the criteria for two awards, the NCSS Scientist of the Year and the NCSS Career Achievement awards, were expanded to include both technical soil and ecological site services and project soil and ecological site survey work. Nominations for awards are accepted from any individual, agency, or group in the NCSS.

Headshot of Stephanie Connolly.

Cooperator Achievement Award

Soil Water Balance Initiative U.S. Forest Service (USFS) Collaborators

Team Leader: Stephanie Connolly, Forest Soil Scientist Liaison, USFS Northern Research Station

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Greg Taylor wears a red life jacket and drives an airboat through marshy water.

Career Achievement Award

Greg Taylor, USDA NRCS, Senior Soil Scientist for Special Projects

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Headshot of Kirt Walstad.

Scientist of the Year

Kirt Walstad, USDA NRCS, Regional Ecological Site Specialist, Northwest Soil Survey Region

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