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McCurtain Co. Rural Water District #6 residential and business customers, and governmental partners have come to Smithville, OK, on April 8, 2015; to celebrate the completion of a $25 million water project that for the first time ever provides clean abundant public water to more than 800 families in Oklahoma’s Ouachita Mountains. 
The McCurtain RWD #6 project consisted of installing 253 miles of new water transmission and distribution lines and constructing five pump stations and three water storage tanks

Oklahoma State Technical Committee

The State Technical Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and other agencies of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) on the implementation of the natural resources conservation provisions of Farm Bill legislation.

The Oklahoma State Technical Committee is intended to include members from a wide variety of natural resource and agricultural interests.

Chaired by the NRCS State Conservationist, the Committee is composed of representatives from Federal and State natural resource agencies, American Indian Tribes, agricultural and environmental organizations, and agricultural producers.

The Committee meets regularly to provide information, analysis, and recommendations to appropriate USDA officials, who strongly consider their advice.  Individuals or groups wanting to participate as members on a State Technical Committee may submit requests to the State Conservationist explaining their interest and relevant credentials.

More information about State Technical Committees, please visit our National website.

Oklahoma State Technical Committee Members:

Chair: Jeanne Jasper, Oklahoma State Conservationist

American Bird Conservancy
American Farmers & Ranchers Insurance Company
Bacone College
Cattle for the Kingdom
Commissioners of the Land Office
Conservation Coalition of Oklahoma Foundation 
County Commissioner, Muskogee County District 1
Ducks Unlimited
Johnston Seed Company
Kerr Center 
Land Legacy
Langston University
National Wild Turkey Federation
National Wildlife Federation
Noble Research Institute
Oaks and Prairies Joint Venture 
Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts 
Oklahoma Conservation Commission
Oklahoma Farm Bureau
Oklahoma Local Ag Collaborative
Oklahoma Peanut Association
Oklahoma Pork Council
Oklahoma Sorghum Growers Assoc.
Oklahoma Grazing Land Coalition
Oklahoma Black Historical Research Project
Oklahoma Cattleman's Association
Oklahoma Cotton Council 
Oklahoma Department of Ag, Food, & Forestry
Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality
Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation 
Oklahoma Farm Bureau 
Oklahoma Farmers Ranchers Association
Oklahoma Land Access Program 
Oklahoma Office of Energy and Environment 
Oklahoma Pecan Growers Association
Oklahoma Prescribed Burn Association 
Oklahoma Rural Water Association 
Oklahoma Scenic Rivers Council
Oklahoma Sierra Club
Oklahoma State University - Extension
Organic Lawyer
Panhandle Irrigators
Pheasants Forever
Playa Lakes Joint Venture
Poultry Federation
Quail Forever
The Nature Conservancy
US Bureau of Reclamation
US Corps of Engineers
US Environmental Protection Agency
US Fish and Wildlife Service
US Forest Service
USDA-Agricultural Research Service
USDA-Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service
USDA-Farm Service Agency
USDA-National Ag Statistics Service
USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service
USDA-Risk Management Agency 
USDA-Rural Development
USDA-Southern Plains Climate Hub
Wagoner County VoTech
All 39 Tribes with jurisdictional boundary in Oklahoma