All persons and organizations that have an interest in Pocatalico River Site 28 are encouraged to participate in a public discussion regarding the Site 1 and Big Ditch Lake by raising questions, concerns and issues with NRCS and a hired third-party technical consultant team.
The National Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) welcomes public participation to promote open communication and better decision making. All persons and organizations that have an interest in Pocatalico River Site 28 are encouraged to participate in a public discussion regarding the Site 1 and Big Ditch Lake by raising questions, concerns and issues with NRCS and a hired third party technical consultant team (Pare Corporation/TetraTech). Public comments are welcomed throughout the NEPA process using the contact information below.
The second public meetings will be held on Wednesday, November 15th, 2023 at 5:00 pm; interested parties may join the meeting in-person at the Jackson County Junior Fairgrounds. 157 Co Rd, 33/18, Cottageville, WV 25239 (first building on the right after entering the Fairgrounds) or virtually at https://parecorp.zoom.us/my/nrcs.wv. Assistance will be provided to anyone having difficulty in determining how to participate. This meeting will present the findings of completed studies and present alternatives for managing the Pocatalico River Site 28, Woodrum Lake, and the surrounding watershed.
Additional comments may be submitted by regular mail, toll-free telephone line, facsimile, or email until December 15, 2023. Comments submitted after this date will be considered to the extent practicable.
Questions or concerns regarding the Supplemental Watershed Plan and Environmental Assessment should be emailed to pocatalico@parecorp.com or mailed to Pocatalico River Site 28 Plan-EA, c/o Pare Corporation, 10 Lincoln Road, Foxboro, MA 02035. Respondents should provide mailing address information and indicate if you wish to be included on the EA notification list. When available, all individuals on the mailing list will receive directions for downloading a copy of the draft EA and a hard copy upon request.
A link for additional information providing additional details about the watershed and proposed project is available upon request.