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Press Release

Third Sign up open for USDA Ag & Forestry Conservation Programs in Rhode Island

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Basil Farm in Johnston, RI - Row crops (chives, green onions) with mulch; high tunnel in background.

More than $16 million is available for conservation practices on farms, ranches, private forest land & urban gardens throughout the Ocean State. Apply by February 28, 2025, to be eligible for the third round of fiscal year 2025 funding. Call your local NRCS Field Office (401-822-8848) to apply.

Available conservation practices and initiatives include, but are not limited to,

  • Combustion system improvement and energy initiative practices to help farmers and forest managers to replace outdated engines, lighting and other equipment with new, cleaner-burning technology.
  • Comprehensive nutrient management plan implementation practices to minimize or eliminate surface water or groundwater pollution or to minimize emissions (like greenhouse gases) to improve air quality.
  • Activities that create or enhance pollinator or wildlife habitat on farms, forest lands, ranches, and urban areas.
  • High Tunnel and/or irrigation activities to improve water quality; and mitigate risk through producer diversification or resource conservation practices, including soil erosion control, integrated pest management, or transition to organic farming.
  • Conservation Incentive Contracts that focus on addressing the following resource concerns on cropland: field sediment, nutrient and pathogen loss; soil quality limitations; and source water depletion. EQIP-CIC provides financial assistance to adopt conservation activities on working landscapes and provides annual payments similar to CSP.
  • Targeted conservation actions through the National Water Quality Initiative to improve water quality in the Sakonnet River and Tomaquag Brook-Pawcatuck River watersheds.
  • Urban agriculture assistance to help urban and small-scale farmers install conservation practices to improve the health and resiliency of their operations.
  • Organic Transition assistance to help farmers transition from conventional agriculture to organic operations.

Funding is provided through a competitive process. NRCS accepts applications for conservation programs year-round but sets state-specific ranking dates to evaluate applications for funding. Application cutoff periods allow NRCS to screen and rank applications for those with the highest conservation benefits across Rhode Island’s landscapes, including cropland, pastureland, and private non-industrial forestlands. The next application cutoff date is Friday, February 28, 2025. Applications received after this ranking date will be automatically deferred to the next funding period.

Information on Rhode Island's Conservation Programs

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