Did the participant apply for FY24 CSP Classic AND is 75% or more of the land in the operation certified or transitioning to ORGANIC?
- YES — Points: 0
- NO — Points: 0
Category Question
Are the planned land units located in Rhode Island?
- Yes — Points: 0
- Otherwise — Points: 0
Program Questions
- Did the applicant self-certify as meeting any Historically Underserved (HU) category on the NRCS-CPA-1200, Conservation Program Application?
- YES — Points: 20
- NO — Points: 0
- Using the CART CSP Classic Report completed for this application, identify the land use (Cropland or Pasture as applicable) with the fewest number of STATE PRIORITY Resource Concerns met at the time of application. Note: Associated Ag Land and Farmstead land uses are excluded from consideration. Choose one response.
- All eight (8) state priority resource concerns are met — Points: 100
- Seven (7) state priority resource concerns are met — Points: 90
- Six (6) state priority resource concerns are met — Points: 80
- Five (5) state priority resource concerns are met — Points: 70
- Four (4) state priority resource concerns are met — Points: 60
- Three (3) state priority resource concerns are met — Points: 50
- Two (2) state priority resource concerns are met — Points: 40
- One (1) state priority resource concern is met — Points: 30
- No state priority resource concerns are met — Points: 0
- Using the CART CSP Classic Report completed for this application, identify the land use (Cropland or Pasture) with the fewest number of RESOURCE CONCERNS met at the time of application - including national & state resource concerns. Consider all resource concerns when answering this question. Note: Associated Ag Land and Farmstead land uses are excluded from consideration. Choose ONE response.
- Seven or more (7+) resource concerns are met — Points: 80
- Five or Six (5-6) resource concerns are met — Points: 70
- Three or Four (3-4) resource concerns are met — Points: 50
- One or Two (1-2) resource concerns are met — Points: 20
- No (zero) state priority resource concerns are met — Points: 0
Resource Questions
- Using the CART CSP Classic Report completed for this application, identify the land use (Cropland or Pasture) with the fewest number of STATE PRIORITY Resource Concerns that were NOT MET at application, but due to planned CSP activities will be MET by the end of the contract [Not Met --> Met]. Note: Associated Ag Land and Farmstead land uses are excluded from consideration. Choose One response.
- All eight (8) state priority resource concerns will be met — Points: 45
- Seven (7) state priority resource concerns will be met — Points: 40
- Six (6) state priority resource concerns will be met — Points: 35
- Five (5) state priority resource concerns will be met — Points: 30
- Four (4) state priority resource concerns will be met — Points: 25
- Three (3) state priority resource concerns will be met — Points: 20
- Two (2) state priority resource concerns will be met — Points: 15
- One (1) state priority resource concern will be met — Points: 10
- No (zero) state priority resource concerns will be met — Points: 0
- Using the CART CSP Classic Report completed for this application, identify the land use (Cropland or Pasture) with the fewest number of STATE PRIORITY RESOURCE CONCERNS that were met at time of application, but due to planned CSP activities will be EXCEEDED by the end of the contract. [Met --> Exceeds] Note: Associated Ag Land and Farmstead land uses are excluded from consideration. Choose one response.
- All eight (8) state priority resource concerns will be exceeded — Points: 55
- Seven (7) state priority resource concerns will be exceeded — Points: 45
- Six (6) state priority resource concerns will be exceeded — Points: 40
- Five (5) state priority resource concerns will be exceeded — Points: 35
- Four (4) state priority resource concerns will be exceeded — Points: 30
- Three (3) state priority resource concerns will be exceeded — Points: 25
- Two (2) state priority resource concerns will be exceeded — Points: 20
- One (1) state priority resource concern will be exceeded — Points: 15
- No state priority resource concerns are exceeded — Points: 0
- Using the CART CSP Classic Report completed for this application, identify the land use (Cropland or Pasture) with the fewest number of resource concerns (national & state) that were met at application, but due to planned CSP activities will be exceeded by the end of the contract. Consider ALL resource concerns when answering this question. Note: Associated Ag Land and Farmstead land uses are excluded from consideration. Choose one response.
- Seven or more (7+) resource concerns will be exceeded — Points: 50
- Five or Six (5-6) resource concerns will be exceeded — Points: 45
- Three or Four (3-4) resource concerns will be exceeded — Points: 30
- One or Two (1-2) resource concerns will be exceeded — Points: 20
- No (zero) resource concerns will be exceeded — Points: 0
- Does the Conservation Plan include one or more conservation activities from the Climate-Smart Ag & Forestry Mitigation Activities List (FY24 Version)?
- 3+ Climate Smart activities are planned — Points: 8
- 1 or 2 Climate Smart activities are planned — Points: 5
- Zero (0) Climate Smart activities are planned — Points: 0
- What is the distance from the PLU to water bodies including streams, ponds, lakes, estuaries, or all surface waters?
- PLU is equal to or less than 100 ft from waterbody — Points: 20
- PLU is 100-500 ft from waterbody — Points: 15
- PLU is 500-1000 ft from a waterbody — Points: 10
- There is no waterbody near or in the PLU — Points: 0
- Is the PLU 100 ft or less from the edge of the wetland?
- PLU is 100 ft or less from the edge of the wetland — Points: 5
- Otherwise — Points: 0
- Does the PLU include Prime and State Importance Soils?
- PLU contains prime or state important soils — Points: 10
- Otherwise — Points: 0
- Are the PLUs in a targeted source water watershed?
- Yes — Points: 4
- No — Points: 0
- Is the project in one of the source water priority watersheds?
- Yes — Points: 3
- No — Points: 0
Additional Information
Conservation Stewardship Program - Rhode Island
The Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) helps you build on your existing conservation efforts while strengthening your operation.
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