Long Tom Water Quality Project
County: Lane
Resource Concerns
- Nutrients transported to surface water.
- Pesticides transported to surface water.
- Pathogens and chemicals from manure, biosolids, or compost applications transported to surface water.
- Sediment transported to surface water.
Project Description
The Monroe drinking water source area encompasses all HUC12s located within the Long Tom River HUC 10 (1709000301). A targeted approach is implemented by focusing on farming and ranching lands adjacent to streams within four priority subbasins (Bear Creek, Ferguson Creek, Amazon Creek, and Lower Long Tom). The shared water quality goal among partners (City of Monroe, Long Tom Watershed Council, Upper Willamette Soil and Water Conservation District, and NRCS) is to leverage funding from multiple sources across local, state and federal sectors to addressed identified threats in prioritized source protection areas. The identified goals include reducing levels of nutrients, sediment, and pesticides, and of increased riparian buffers through identification, prioritization and implementation of practices to address agricultural contributions to these water quality threats.
Conservation Practices Offered
- Comp Nutrient Mngt Plan (120)
- Waste Storage Facility (313)
- Brush management (314)
- Herbaceous Weed Treatment (315)
- Conservation Cover (327)
- Cover Crop (340)
- Roofs and Cover (367)
- Fence (382)
- Woody Residue Treatment (384)
- Riparian Forest Buffer (391)
- Grassed Waterway (412)
- Wildlife Habitat Planting (420)
- Irrigation Pipeline (430)
- Micro Irrigation System (441)
- Sprinkler Irrigation System (442)
- Irrigation Water Management (449)
- Tree/Shrub Site Prep (490)
- Livestock Pipeline (516)
- Prescribed Grazing (528)
- Pumping Plant (533)
- Roof Runoff Structure (558)
- Heavy Use Area Protection (561)
- Nutrient Management (590)
- Watering Facility (614)
- Tree/shrub Establishment (612)
- Underground Outlet (620)
- Forest Stand Improvement (666)
Application Questions
NRCS uses prioritization questions to evaluate applications for this initiative. See the list of workload prioritization questions on the Oregon EQIP page. Ranking questions below will also apply.
Ranking Questions
- Will a buffer be established adjacent to surface water that will exclude livestock or prevent run off from agricultural production?
- Will nutrient management be applied so that nutrient applications will not exceed OSU Recommendations?
- Will practices be adopted that will increase soil organic matter, thereby increasing soil water holding capacity.
- Is the property within the Bear Creek Upper Willamette SWCD Strategic Implementation Area?
- Will practices be adopted that will reduce direct run off into surface water from Animal Feeding Operations?
- Will irrigation efficiency be improved in the Owens Creek Watershed?