Climate-Focused Sustainable Livestock Production in Oregon
Counties: All Oregon counties
Primary Resource Concern Addressed:
- Degraded plant condition - Plant structure and composition
- Livestock production limitation - Feed and forage balance
- Livestock production limitation - Inadequate livestock water quantity, quality and distribution
- Air quality emissions - Emissions of greenhouse gases
Project Description
This project will promote the ecological health of grazing lands in Oregon by providing financial assistance for conservation practices to livestock producers who collaborate with third-party organizations that provide baseline inventory, periodic monitoring, and promote climate-smart, sustainable livestock production.
Conservation Practices Offered
- Cover Crop (340)
- Pasture and Hay Planting (512)
- Prescribed Grazing (528)
- Range Planting (550)
- Upland Wildlife Habitat Management (645)
- Pasture and Hay Planting (512)
- Soil Health Testing (216)
- Carbon Sequestration and Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Assessment (218)
- Brush Management (314)
- Herbaceous Weed Treatment (315)
- Critical Area Planting (342)
- Fence (382)
- Livestock Pipeline (516)
- Pumping Plant (533)
- Spring Development (574)
- Watering Facility (614)
- Water Well (642)
- Annual Forages for Grazing Systems (810)
- TA Design (911)
- TA Application (912)
- TA Check-out (913)
Project Partners
- Sustainable Northwest
- Wallowa Resources
- Local conservation districts and watershed councils based on project location
- NRCS Oregon
- Private landowners
Application Questions
NRCS uses prioritization questions to evaluate applications for this initiative. See the list of workload prioritization questions on the Oregon EQIP page. Ranking questions below will also apply.
Ranking Questions
- Has the producer received a plan from a third-party organization that provides baseline inventory, periodic monitoring, and promotes climate-smart, sustainable livestock production?
- Does the current range/pasture plant community include desirable perennial vegetation?
- Does the current range/pasture plant community contain deep-rooted, desirable perennial herbaceous species? (Minimum 5% herbaceous composition by cover)
- Does the planned (or observed) management system incorporate appropriate harvest rates, timing, and adequate rest to promote the health and vigor of desirable upland plant species?
- Does the planned (or observed) management system incorporate appropriate harvest rates, timing, and adequate rest to promote the health and vigor of desirable riparian species?
- Does the planned (or observed) management system incorporate the following climate-smart practices? (340 Cover Crop, 512 Forage and Hay Planting, 528 Prescribed Grazing, 550 Range Planting)
- Does the planned management system incorporate the following practices to facilitate improved livestock management? (382 Fence, 614 Watering Facility)