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Chiloquin Community Forest Health and Fuels Reduction

County: Klamath

Primary Resource Concern: Fire management - Wildfire hazard from biomass accumulation

Project Description
The forestlands in the foothills of the Fremont-Winema National Forest near Chiloquin, Oregon are in poor health due to overstocked stands, leading to pest and disease infestations resulting in tree mortality. This mortality and dense, stressed live stands results in increased fuel loads of standing and downed trees, and accumulations of forest slash. Partially because of this, the private lands to the west and east of the town of Chiloquin rate as high risk within both Klamath County and Chiloquin Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPP’s). Residential areas within the Chiloquin Community have a limited capability for fire resistance and forest resilience due to a complex wildland urban interface, recent bark beetle outbreaks, and insufficient forest management activities. The priority area is particularly susceptible to risks for fire, insect pests, disease outbreaks, and drought events on both private and public lands. Access for fire suppression is challenged by limited road access on native surface roads and scattered structures amongst dense forest fuels. These risks are expected to be further elevated with projected climate variability over the next century.

Conservation Practices

  • Brush Management (314) 
  • Forest Stand Improvement (666) 
  • Fuel Break (383) Supporting 
  • Prescribed Burning (338) 
  • Woody Residue Treatment (384)
  • Tree/Shrub Pruning (660) 
  • Firebreak (394)

Collaborating Partners

  • Klamath Watershed Partnership
  • Oregon Department of Forestry
  • Forest Service
  • Klamath Lake Forest Health Partnership
  • NRCS Oregon
  • Private landowners

Screening Questions

  1. Is the area of interest within the Chiloquin Community Forest Health and Fuels Reduction Project Area?

Ranking Questions

  1. Does the planned site have high to extreme biomass accumulation that increases wildfire risk and will be addressed through appropriate conservation practices?
  2. Does the planned site have tree species that are overstocked and undesirable brush that will be addressed through appropriate conservation practices? 
  3. Does the planned site have desirable plant species such as Quaking Aspen stands that would benefit wildlife? 
  4. Is the planned site located adjacent to land that has previously been treated to reduce forest fuels? 
  5. Is the planned site adjacent to or within a ½ mile of a perennial stream?