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Paul Ackley of Bedford holds a clod of healthy soil from his corn field.

Soil Health EQIP Initiative - Iowa

The EQIP Soil Health Initiative is a special conservation funding opportunity for Iowa farmers that targets improving soil health on row cropland.

The initiative encourages the adoption of management practices on Iowa’s annual crop production fields that will have the greatest impact on our natural resources. The initiative creates incentives for adopting a suite of practices – or a system – rather than just a standalone practice. This initiative will address the following Resource Concerns:

  • Soil Quality
  • Water Quality
  • Carbon Sequestration
  • Plant Health (help with resistant weeds)


To be eligible for the initiative, the producer must implement a minimum of 3 of the following practices. All practices will be offered at higher
than normal EQIP payment rates.

  • Residue and Tillage Management, No-Till (329)
  • Cover Crops (340)
  • Nutrient Management (590)
  • Conservation Crop Rotation (328) - adding a small grain crop to the rotation

Prescribed (strip) grazing (528) cover crops is also an eligible practice with this initiative, but it does not apply toward the minimum.