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Hurricane Idalia Emergency Assistance - Florida Agricultural Landowners Encouraged to Apply for Environmental Quality Incentives Program

Application Sign-up Deadline is November 17, 2023
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Three people look at uprooted trees and damaged fencing.

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service can provide assistance, through conservation program contracts, for Environmental Quality Incentives Program conservation practices to help agricultural landowners and producers address disaster related resource concerns on their land.

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) can provide assistance, through conservation program contracts, for Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) conservation practices to help agricultural landowners and producers address disaster related resource concerns on their land.  

“The Natural Resources Conservation Service remains committed to helping the people of Florida agriculture with every means at our disposal. We can assist local farmers in repairing damages to their land and existing conservation practices caused by Hurricane Idalia,” said Walter Albarran, Acting State Conservationist. “Through EQIP, we can help farmers repair and prevent soil erosion, as well as address water quality issues or other resource concerns resulting from high rainfall events and flooding.”

Identified EQIP Emergency Assistance counties:  Alachua, Baker, Bradford, Citrus, Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist, Hamilton, Hernando, Jefferson, Lafayette, Leon, Levy, Madison, Marion, Pasco, Pinellas, Suwannee, Taylor, Union, and Wakulla Counties.

NRCS will host a Public Webinar on Tuesday, September 12, 2023 at 6:00-7:30pm Eastern Time for information on NRCS emergency program assistance.  

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Conservation Practices offered for Financial Assistance through the EQIP Disaster Assistance Sign-up:
Practice Code - Practice Name & Units
326  -  Clearing and Snagging (ac)
327  -  Conservation Cover (ac)
340  -  Cover Crop (ac)
342  -  Critical Area Planting (ac)
368  -  Emergency Animal Mortality Management (amu)
382  - Fence (ft)
384  -  Woody Residue Treatment (ac)
484  -  Mulching (ac)
500  -  Obstruction Removal (no)

Agricultural producers seeking financial assistance for additional conservation practices that may not be available through the EQIP Disaster Assistance Sign-up, may still do so by applying through the regular continuous EQIP sign-up.

General EQIP Eligibility

1.    Applicant Eligibility

  • Engaged in agricultural production or forestry management or have an interest in the agricultural or forestry operation associated with the land offered for enrollment.
  • Be within the applicable EQIP payment limitations.

2. Land Eligibility

  • Land on which agricultural commodities, livestock, or forest-related products are produced, and specifically includes cropland, rangeland, pastureland, nonindustrial private forestland, other agricultural land such as environmentally sensitive areas, and agricultural land used to produce livestock.

3.    Resource Concern Eligibility

  • At least one natural resource concern must be identified and addressed with a conservation practice or activity.
  • Work completed prior to contract obligation is not eligible for financial assistance through EQIP, unless an Early Start Waiver has been approved.

Application Requirements
Applicants will need to provide records and forms necessary to establish farm records and certifications outlined below.

  • Farm records established or updated with the Farm Service Agency for the applicant and the land.
  • Be in compliance with highly erodible land and wetland conservation requirements.
  • Meet the adjusted gross income (AGI) and payment limitation provisions.
  • Applicable documentation required for signature authority.
  • Have control of land where “control” means possession of the land by ownership, lease, or other agreement.
  • Written concurrence from the landowner to apply a structural or vegetative conservation practice.

Please reach out to your local NRCS field office with questions.

Florida County map with emergency declaration counties in red

USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender.


Bianca Diaz Deliz, Acting Assistant State Conservationist, Financial Assistance Programs

Walter Albarran, Acting State Conservationist