2022 FFA North District Land Career Development Event Held in Vinemont, Alabama
The FFA North District Land Judging event was held on Thursday, November 10, 2022, on the farm of Mr. Charles Herfurth in Vinemont, AL.
North District Land Career Development Event Held in Vinemont, Alabama
The FFA North District Land Judging event was held on Thursday, November 10, 2022, on the farm of Mr. Charles Herfurth in Vinemont, AL. Local NRCS Field Offices, NRCS Area & MLRA Soil Science Staff, ACES, AFC, and Alabama State FFA personnel all collaborated to make the event a success.
A total of 47 FFA chapters participated in the event which totaled 174 registered students.Several more students competed as alternates, resulting in 200+ people attending the event. Students were tasked with judging open soil pits on the following land uses: homesite, cropland, pastureland, and forestland. The winning teams were Douglas High School, Falkville High School, Albertville High School, and Cordova High School. The top four teams will move on to the State Land Career Development Event that will be held in early 2023.
While Mr. Herfurth was not available to attend the event, all the schools signed a thank you card for him and his wife. The local USDA-NRCS and SWCD office would like to thank all the participants, teachers, and drivers for attending this event. Students learning about soil, forestry, and other aspects of agriculture helps to secure our future to meet national and global food and fiber needs. The local offices would also like to thank all the partners that came together to plan and set up the event. The success of this event would not have been possible without a successful collaborative approach.
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