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Regional Conservationist Astor Boozer

Astor Boozer has served as the NRCS regional conservationist for the West Region since December 2011.

Astor Boozer Portrait

He provides agency and natural resources leadership and support to state conservationists and partners and ensures states effectively manage an extensive portfolio of comprehensive conservation strategies—which includes implementing NRCS’s conservation technical assistance and financial assistance programs on private lands.

Through his leadership, NRCS has addressed water quantity and quality issues and strengthened partnership collaboration and customer service throughout the region. Boozer works to improve private and public lands conservation and help landowners efficiently gain access to USDA technical and financial assistance programs and services. He also helps leverage funding for boots-on-the-ground to deliver voluntary, science-based conservation.

He’s passionate about employee development and works closely with NRCS national and state leadership to provide training, offer temporary career-enhancing assignments, and explore mentoring opportunities to develop future agency leaders.

A native Texan and diehard Cowboys fan, Boozer grew up on a farm and ranch operation where he learned all about agriculture and caring for the land.  During his 34-year tenure with NRCS, he has worked in eight states in a variety of state, regional, and national positions. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from Prairie View A&M University in Prairie View, Texas. He appreciates the outdoors and loves to hunt, fish, and ride horses.

West Region States: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Pacific Islands Area, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.