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Native grasses grow along the edge of a macro in Starke County, Indiana currently filled with water May 25, 2021. The macro was created as part of the wetland restoration on his property after it was enrolled in the NRCS' Wetland Reserve Easement Program. The easement includes 200.6 acres of former cropland that were restored to create wetland, prairie and forest habitat for wildlife. The restoration included the installation of 16 acres of macros, which are shallow pond-like areas with diverse topographies

National Civil Rights Advisory Committee to the Chief

The NRCS civil rights program encompasses all equal employment opportunity and program delivery-related matters.

About the NCRACC

The National Civil Rights Advisory Committee to the Chief (NCRACC) is designed to provide management officials and employees with counsel and advice to enhance and ensure compliance with their equal employment opportunity and program delivery responsibilities.

Members of the NCRACC will carry out their responsibilities consistent with USDA policies, procedures, and practices regarding employment and program delivery, which are nondiscriminatory with regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, political beliefs, or because all or a part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program.

The NCRACC provides assistance in the areas of policy formulation, program direction, and administration.

Committee Members

Map of the United States showing the four NRCS regional boundaries - west region, central region, northeast region, and southeast region.


  • Astrid Martínez, Washington, D.C.
  • Thomas Morgart, Connecticut

West Region

  • Catherine Cannon, American Indian/Alaska Native Female Representative, Washington
  • Amanda Crowe, White Female Representative, Alaska
  • Jenna Dunn, LGBTQ+, Representative, Hawaii
  • Brett Myers, Veteran Male Representative, Arizona
  • David Williams, White Male Representative, Colorado

Central Region

  • Anand Hase, Asian Pacific Islander Male Representative, Iowa
  • David Pesicka, American Indian/Alaska Native Male Representative, South Dakota
  • Chanc Vogel, Disability Male Representative, Wisconsin

Northeast Region

  • Suzy Daubert, Asian Pacific Islander Female Representative, Maryland
  • Shantel King, Black Female Representative, Delaware
  • Carolyn Miller, NCRACC Administrative Assistant, Connecticut
  • Becky Ross, LGBTQ+ Representative, New Hampshire

Southeast Region

  • Jill Binette, Veteran Female Representative, Florida
  • Isabelle Giuliani, Hispanic Female Representative, Florida
  • Trevor Hunt, Black Male Representative, Tennessee
  • Morgan Morrissett, Disability Female Representative, Arkansas
  • Rafael Vega, Hispanic Male Representative, North Carolina
Oklahoma Wheat leaning

Read about the current members of the National Civil Rights Advisory Committee to the Chief.

Additional Information