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Press Release

Public Meeting – Bonds Creek Watershed Dam Site 1 Rehabilitation Project

Set for June 6, 2024, at 6:30 p.m.
Publish Date
Bonds Creek

NRCS) is hosting a public meeting to discuss the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Watershed Rehabilitation of Bonds Creek Site 1 Dam in Pennsboro, Ritchie County, West Virginia.

USDA’S Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is hosting a public meeting to discuss the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Watershed Rehabilitation of Bonds Creek Site 1 Dam in Pennsboro, Ritchie County, West Virginia. Bonds Creek Site 1 is a flood control, recreation, and fish and wildlife dam being considered for rehabilitation on a tributary of Bonds Creek approximately 2.5 mile north of the city of Pennsboro.

This is the second of three meetings where the public is encouraged to engage in the process of preparing the EA. The findings of completed studies and investigations to date including potential rehabilitation alternatives for Bonds Creek 1 will be presented. Additionally, this meeting will solicit input from the public on items and concerns that they want considered in evaluations and answer questions about the planned activities. Representatives from NRCS, West Virginia Conservation Agency, Little Kanawha Conservation District, City of Pennsboro, and the consulting team will be present to answer questions about the project and process. Federal funding has been received to assist the Local Sponsors in developing this EA but has not yet been secured for design or construction. 

This meeting will be a hybrid in-person and virtual Zoom meeting occurring at Pennsboro City Hall located at 422 Main Street, Pennsboro, WV 26415 on June 6, 2024, at 6:30 p.m.  If you would like to attend virtually, type the following Zoom link to your browser: or use the call in information.Call-in number: 1-719-359-4580 Meeting ID: 810 7010 2174 Passcode: 802797. Contact David Sweeney, 304-290-3214, if you have difficulty in determining how to participate.

Comments or questions may be submitted until July 6, 2024, by mail to David Sweeney, 91 Boyles Lane, Parkersburg, WV 26104 or by email to Additional information is available on the NRCS web site, which can be accessed as follows. Updates will be posted to the website throughout the planning process to keep interested parties informed on the project progress.

NRCS provides reasonable accommodation to enable all persons with disabilities to participate in agency programs and activities. If you require special accommodations or for further information, please contact David Sweeney (304-290-3214) by May 23, 2024.